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Lucy's POV

Natsu pulled back from the hug. I felt good after saying the truth but I can't let anyone else find out. I don't want them to worry, let alone be a burden.  What if they wanted to do somthing fun and thrilling? They'd probably plan activities safe or boring of they knew, like I don't know? fishing?
No, I don't plan to do those things. Just thinking of it makes me feel like I'm a grampa or something, plus I'm a girl, that made it even worse.

The bell rings, signaling  us that lunch break was over. Natsu carried my bag for me.
A good reason why I shouldn't let people know, this guy's overreacting, I'm not that weak.

We were both silent as we made our way to our classroom. It was awkward, just thinking of it made my face go red. No! No! No! Snap out of it. It was just a hug, he was just concerned. Calm down Lucy, you know very well that Natsu has a thing for Lisanna, I guess. Well they do hang a lot.

Classes begun as soon as our Math teacher came in. He showed algebraic word problems. I turned to look at Natsu, but his face looked like he was going to burst. Guess he hates math. I stared out to the window watching the cherry blossoms again, and I had a sudden urge to draw them. It was a beautiful scenery. I took out my pencil and drew on my notebook. Making small glances here and there just to make the drawing look more realistic. Caprturing alsmost every detail.
A voice called to me, disturbing me, I began to loose sight of the beauty of the cherry blossoms. I hate it when someone distracts me.
"Miss Heartfilia, you don't seem to be listening." Our math teacher said.

I just looked at him, expressionless, blank and dull. I lost my mood.
"Answer this problem on the board." He continued.

I stood up, approached the teacher and took the chalk that he offered to me, and answered the question with complete solution in five seconds. It was easy. I handed the chalk and sat down. I drew again and the teacher seemed to notice but he never called me back to pay attention to his lectures.

Class was over I stood up with Sting behind me and I noticed that Natsu was gone but he left his bag. I took Natsu's bag and I thought to look for him. Before I could leave Gray called out to me.
"Hey, I'll go ahead blondie. I'll wait for you at inside the car." He said bluntly. I nodded in reply

Sting was off today. He usually messes up my hair, and even waits for me after class.

"Gray? Did you need something?" I asked him. We walked slowly out to the halls.
I was shocked to see Natsu and Lisanna kissing.
I knew I was just in Natsu's way, I shouldn't burden him if he wants to stay with Lisanna. Maybe he's just with me cause I'm the new helpless kid and that I was just his friend who had Leukemia. I felt something twist inside me. I felt pain in my chest. I don't like this feeling. Maybe I should avoid Natsu for a while.
I figured maybe he's the one causing the pain. I've never felt this before till I met him.

Gray did seem to notice as he was stuttering trying to finish his sentence. We slowly make our way down stairs. As I walked down in the middle of the stair case I noticed that gray had stopped and that he was behind. So I came up to him.

"Gray? Are you alright? I don't understand what you were saying." I said worryingly as I put my hand on his shoulder tilting my head to see his face. I struggled to make eye contact but he was lowering his head to the side.
He let out a sigh.

"Gray I wanted to thank you for taking care of me earlier. It was nice of you to let me rest on your lap." I smiled at him showing a little blush.

I was grateful for that.
Suddenly Gray raised his head with a determined face.

"Lucy! Will you go out on a date with me?! I-I m-mean like go w-watch a a a m-movie and eat dinner!" He stuttered

I blushed as his face was sweating hard. He gulped down a lump and continued

"What do you say? W-well you don't need to if yo--" I cut him off putting a finger on his lips.

"I'd love to Gray." I smiled.

"Great! So tomorrow night then? I'll pick you up." He said cheerfully

Gray is adorable. Like a cute baby brother, but uh hm be just asked me out. Hmm I don't know anymore. Guess I'll go out on Saturday then. My dad isn't around for the week anyway, plus I won't ask the driver to pivke me up or enthung cause Gary's --
Wait, how will he even know where to pick me up when he doesn't have any idea where I live?!

I gave him a card with my number on in.
"Here, give me a call if you have any questions"
I smiled

"Okay, thanks Lucy!" He smiled with a pwedered looking blush on his cheeks.

I continued to walk down the stairs to my car and suddenly I heard a familiar voice that shouted "Yes!" in like a motivated tone. Seems like someone had a little victory. I didn't bother to see who it was. So I just guessed.

Come to think of it. Maybe it was Nastu fist pumping through the air for getting a kiss from Lisanna.



Then I remembered I still had his bag. I ran up to the stairs running past Gray. Hmm, maybe it was Gray who yelled. So I saw Natsu on his way back to the classroom with Lisanna by his side.

"Natsu! I found you. I was just going to give you your bag. I thought you forgot about it."
I said to him bluntly

I handed it to him and turned around. I walked fast to avoid a conversation.
"Luce? Thanks. " He chuckled

I turn my head to see him, and I smiled. It was a weird smile, I just seek to force it out.
He looked at me curiously. I made my way down stairs before he'd ask questions.

I walked up to the car to see Sting inside. We'd always go home together since our houses were just a ten minute walk away but since I came here he doesn't really go with me. I don't know why.
"Stingy-bee?" I humed. He looked annoyed. What's wrong with him? I don't recall hurting  him.

"Sting? What's wrong?" I asked

"Nothing." He turned to look out the window.
I put my hand on his cheek and forced him to face me.

"Sting, please tell me what's wrong. You know that we don't keep secrets from each other." I reminded him.

"What took you so long?" He asked. He looked pissed
I couldn't answer him. I couldn't I was scared, he looked mad and disappointed. He taises another question.

"Why'd you even want to find Natsu anyway? It's not like you need to follow him." Be shrugged

"Sting? Are you jelly?" I smirked. His face turned red.

"Wipe that smirk off your face before I do it for you. To answer you question, no, I'm not what you call 'jelly'" He said as he gestured qoutes    when he said 'jelly'

"Then what?" I asked

"Okay maybe I'm a bit jelly. You spend so much time with Natsu and not me. I thought I was your best friend? You seem to just forget me the moment you hung around him." He said putting his arms over his chest.

I giggled and seemed that it caught his attention.

"Sting you are my best friend. I'm sorry, I won't leave you behind so don't worry. I love you Sting! My forever bestie!" I said cheerfully as hugged me.

I felt his tense shoulders relax and hugged me back. I oulled asay from the hug and he smiled.
"Thank you Blondie." He said as I sat up properly. Making a ladylike posture. Sting put his arm around my neck.
"Blondies forever?" I asked

"Yeah, blondies forever" He smiled

(I got "Blondies forever" from another book, but I don't remember which. So yeah not my idea.)

"Welcome home Miss" Said Virgo

I smiled and nodded at her. I walked to my room doing the same routine.
I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door.
"Come in" I said while I was facing the window near my velvety couch.

"Miss, your father has sent you an invite " She handed it to me.
"Miss supper will be served in an hour." She continued. She bowed before she left.

I opened the beige scented envelope and took out a card.
The name caught my attention

Unexplained Art (Lucy x Natsu) (Fanfic) (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now