Seven days of Heaven

371 11 21

Lucy's POV

It's been two months now and Natsu's starting gain his memories of me. Though he gets headaches here and there but he has progressed.

I looked up to the ceiling of my room feeling something warm beside me, I didn't have the curiosity to see, it might just be plue.

I took a minute to think about my relationship with Zeref.

I started to doubt our relationship, we still send emails to each other but I felt unsatisfied by it.

Everything I feel now is filled up by Natsu, even though he doesn't remember things, he still manages to make me smile every single day.

Then I heard a huge snor causing me to jump as I fell onto the floor.

"Oow" I said as I rubbed my butt.

I stood up to see Natsu sleeping. It pissed me off but he looked so cute.

"Lusshiii~" He hummed. He was still asleep.

I wonder what you're dreaming.

I giggled at the sight of him calling my name. I decided to leave him there while I take a shower.
I walked out of the bathroom brushing my hair.

"Lushi~" I saw Natsu as he sat up on my bed.

"What is it Natsu?" I smiled.

"Let's go to the beach." He suggested

"But what about my job?" I asked him.

"I already told your dad about it. He said ues then added 'If you hurt her again I'll kill you'" He mocked my father's voice with a low tone.

"Alright then." I smiled.

"Pack up. We're gonna spend a week there." She gave me a goofy smile

"A WEEK?" I said in shock

"Yup! Hurry up!" He chuckled.

"B-b--." I hesitated.

"Hurry up!" He cheered
He carried my bags and placed it at he back of his car.

"I'll drive!" I said excitedly.

"Let's take take turns in case you get tired." He smiled

I nodded as he tossed the keys.

I sat in the car hearing his car purr. I drove at full speed.

"Luce! Careful!" He yelled.

"Relax you little baby. I've raced with my fiancé back in america" I laughed.

"But this isn't a racing track." He cried

"But this is a race car." I laughed.

"Lussshiii!" He cried as he puffed his cheeks ready to puke.

"Alright" I laughed hard slowing the car. He quickly took a paper bag, puking his ass off.

"Luusshhii! That's not funny!" He pouted.

"Okay, I'll stop laughing." I giggled.

He crossed his arms pouting.

"Sorry Natsu~" I said sweetly

"I'll accept you apology if you kiss me." He smirked

I laughed and pressed the accelerator.

"Gaah! Lushiii!" Natsu yelled.
I pulled over at a gasoline station and had the car filled.

Unexplained Art (Lucy x Natsu) (Fanfic) (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now