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Lucy's POV

I walked around the my father's building, people greeted everytime I'd pass by.

"Lucy?" I turned to see a tall man with dark long hair that had covered his right eye.

"Rouge!" I hugged him.

"Hey! How've you been?" He smiled

"I'm okay, I guess. Sting wanted to come with me but he had to finish college there." I informed

"Oh don't worry about him. We'll see each other soon" He grinned.

Rouge and Sting are cousins. They were so close back then but Rouge decided to make his own company here in America.

"I saw your father earlier, he was looking for you. He's back at his office."
He informed

"Oh, thanks" I waved and ran to the elevator.

The elevator was about to close when--

"Hey! Could you keep it open?" I heard a yell. I clicked the the elevator button to keep it from clossing.

A black haired guy walked towards me.

"Thank you. I'm late for a meeting." He said formaly

"You're welcome." I smiled

"Wow, you're really pretty Miss Lucy." He gave me a goofy smile.


"Oh, I just noticed, you look just like Aunt Layla."  He cut me off

"Who are you?" I asked.

He was about to answer when the elevator opened.

"Oh, here's my floor. I'll talk to you soon Lucy."
He smiled and waved goodbye.

He reminded me of Natsu. They looked alike but that guy was taller and paler. Maybe they're relatives.
After a chat with my dad I decided to go to the coffee shop just across the road.

I was about to cross the road when I felt strong hands pulling me from behind.

Everything went in slow motion. A car was about to run me over.

"Luce, be careful!"


I turned around hoping to see Natsu.

"Luce, are you alright?" It was the guy back the elevator.

"Y-yeah, thank you." I stuttered

"Let's walk together. Just to make sure your safe." He grinned

"You never told me you name." I said shyly

"The name's Zeref Dragneel." He smiled

"D-Dragneel?" I asked to make sure

"Yup." He smiled. So they are related.

My eyes went in shock.

"As payment for saving your life, I'd like to ask you out on a date. Once a week for 3 whole months." He smirked

I rolled my eyes. Oh yeah, they're related alright.

"Come on Luce!" He cheered

"D-Don't call me that." I stuttered

"Why not? It's easier to say, plus it's cute." He smiled.

I blushed. "Okay." I said bluntly.
3 Months later..

"Oi! Lucy!!" Zeref whined. He looked adorable, be pouted his lips as he leaned closer to me.

"I'm busy Zeref." I giggled

"Miss Lucy, the set is ready." My manager said.

I wore a bunch of outfits for Vouge Magazine.
After thirty minutes the shoot was over just as scheduled.

I decided to be a part time model, my studies weren't much of a challenge. I study at Queens College with Zeref. I've made many friends but I mostly hung out with Ultear, Mavis and Zeref.

I got changed to my casual clothes and sat next to Zeref, he was sleeping soundly on the couch.

I wonder why he waited for me.

I brushed his soft hair, pushing away some strands of his hair out of his face. He had gorgeous features, he looks like a male model who plays a lot of basketball.

He took my hand in surprise, and smirked.

"You were awake?" I blushed.

"Why? Were you planning to kiss me?" He smirked again.

"No, I just wanted to touch your hair." I giggled

"Luce?" He looked at me.

"Stop calling me that Zeref. Please. You sound just like him. It hurts." I said as I put my hand on my chest.

"Who? Your ex-boyfriend?" He asked bluntly

"Tch. Stop thinking about him. I'm here and I'm all you need to forget that guy." He gave me a frown.

"Eh? We're not even dating. May I remind you that it's the third month already." I giggled

"Well you want to move on? or not?" He looked into my eyes.

"Yes." I breathed

"Will you let me sweep you of your feet then?" He smirked

"You can try, I doubt that's going to happen." I sighed as I looked out the window.


Zeref grabbed my hand and pulled me to his chest, wrapping his arms around me.

"I don't give a damn if you're making me wait. I just want you to be happy." He whispered

"Zeref." I breathed.

I nuzzled down to his chest and hugged him back.

Unexplained Art (Lucy x Natsu) (Fanfic) (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now