Is This The End Of Us? Or Just The Means To Start Again

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**WARNING** This chapter contains events that may be triggering. Read at your own risk **WARNING**

Is This The End Of Us? Or Just The Means To Start Again

"Guys, guess what!?" Vic burst into my game room, where me and the guys were hanging out. I dropped the game controller from my hands, frightened, making me fall behind in the race.

"Damn you, Vic, I was winning." I cursed, picking the controller back up.

I hadn't seen much of Vic, out of school, since the night I slept over at his house.

"Come on!" He ran towards the TV and turned it off. We all groaned in protest.

"What the hell, bro!?" Mike threw his empty cup at him. The rest of us joined in and started throwing anything in reach at him.

"Hey, hey, hey is that how you treat the person that landed the band a gig!?" he said loudly while picking a piece of popcorn out of his hair.

"What!?" I asked slightly confused.

Mike instantly got up, "Did you just say what I think you said!?"

Vic smiled smugly.

"Don't play with me brother." Mike pointed a stern finger at him.

Vic's smile grew and then Mike pulled him into a hug.

"I don't believe it! You got us a gig!?" Jaime yelled standing up excitedly.

"You're joking." Tony said slightly reserved, but I could tell he was excited by the smile on his face.

"No joke." Vic shook his head, his hair shifting onto his face slightly.

"When do you guys play?" I finally spoke up.

"Next Saturday. It's my friend Tyler's birthday. He wanted a live band to play and he thought we were perfect."

"Damn I can't believe this. Our first gig!" Mike was smiling so much I thought he'd break his face.

"Yeah, this means we have to get more band practice in."

"That was the last time I heard Vic speak.

After that he only concentrated on his band, nothing else, including me. I don't mean to sound selfish, I mean I was happy for them, but all of a sudden it wasn't about me or my struggles anymore. It was as if over night I had just turned invisible.

With the guys concentrating on their music, Matt started to bug me more and more. I hated it, but I thought after Tyler's party everything would go back to normal. I was wrong. Their first gig was such a success that they started getting booked for more parties.

I was happy for them but I was alone. Then again maybe it was better this way. Maybe it was best if they didn't have me around to bring them down.

That's all I ever did anyways, just ask my parents how much of a disappointment their daughter is. If they ever come back home, you could ask them.

So, a month that's how long I've been alone. I have Elissa, but she's almost always with her boyfriend, Cameron, and I don't have the heart to drop my problems on them. After all they are my problems.

My sister doesn't need my problems either, she has enough on her plate with juggling two jobs, taking care of Liam, and finding time for her and Tony.

So that leaves nobody but me. I'm just as alone as before."

"Mia you should know by now that you're not alone. You're never alone. If you ever need to talk more, you have me." I rolled my eyes as my therapist looked at her watch.

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