'Cause Without You There Is No Me

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'Cause Without You There Is No Me

My mind was racing as Vic drove down the road. To where? I really don't know, but he did say to meet the guys. Who are the guys really? Well either way I hope they like me.

Vic opened the passenger seat door. Damn I really have to stop spacing out. I didn't even notice we got here or him getting out of the car.

"Uh thanks." I said getting out of the car. I started biting my lip nervously. Vic put his arm over my shoulder.

"Chill Mia, they'll love you."

"You don't know that."

"Yes, I do. They're my best friends and brother."

"Wait! It's your best friends AND brother! Oh great that just makes everything better." I groaned.

Vic laughed at me and mumbled something under his breath I couldn't quite catch.

"What was that?" I said raising an eyebrow at him.

I can see him getting nervous looking towards the house, "Huh? Oh nothing." He sped up his pace.

Before I could question him more he opened the front door. Wait he didn't use a key. Was it unlocked? Wierd.

Vic must have noticed my confused expression because he said, "Yeah the guys have a bad habit of leaving the door unlocked when they get in."

I nodded as he lead me through a hallway and into what I assume to be the living room. Walking through the doorway I was greeted by three guys. They were all sitting around the living room playing videogames and hadn't looked up.

"Hey! Dickheads!" Vic turned to me. "Escuse my language." he said to me before turning back to the guys, "How many times have I told you to lock the door when you get in my house!? I ain't trying to get robbed because you dumbasses can't lock the door!"

"Hey! It wasn't me! Jaime was the last one to get in!" One guy said, he was wearing a black cap, hoodie, and skinny jeans.

"Fuck you Tony!" The guy with long spiked up hair who I presume to be Jaime yelled hitting the guy who ratted him out, who I'm guessing is Tony.

Okay two names down one more to go.

"Besides Vic who the fuck would wanna rob your house! You fucking beaner!" Jaime yelled at Vic finally putting the controller down after pausing the game.

I looked to the last guy while Vic and Jaime argued. He was just lounging on the couch watching Vic and Jaime with a bored look. I guess they do this alot. I took in his appearance he had long hair and was also wearing a cap, there was something oddly familiar about him and then I realized he must be Vic's brother.

I hadn't notice Vic's brother looking at me until he got up and made his way towards me. " Hi, I'm Mike, Vic's brother and you are?" he said confirming my guess as correct.

I was about to answer but got cut off by Vic pulling me to his chest, "Mia." he hissed at Mike.

Woah! Am I the only one who saw the double meaning in that! Eh maybe im just going super crazy.

"Woah chill bro. Just trying to be polite. I didn't know she was your girlfriend."

My jaw literally dropped, "What--no--eh--uh--um." I stuttered. I sighed before taking a deep breath with my eyes closed and tried again to talk. "No my name is Mia." I said as I opened my eyes slowly

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