Come At Me With Everything You've Got.

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Come At Me With Everything You've Got.

~~~Vic's POV~~~

Mia and I got out of the car and started walking up the walkway very slowly. I pulled Mia close to me and noticed that she was shaking in fear.

"Woah. Are you okay?" I asked her, stopping in place.

"No. I don't think I can do this. I don't think I can go in there and face!" she exclaimed in frustration.

I pulled her into my and stroked her hair. "It's okay. I'm here and I won't let anything happen to you."

"Promise?" she mumbled into my chest.

"Promise." I nodded. Pulling back to look at her I brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead.

"Now come on let's get this over with." I told her. She nodded and I wrapped my arm around her waist and led her to the door. She took a deep breath before opening the door and leading me in the rest of the way.

I looked around at all the people who were standing around and talking animatedly.

"Woah." I whispered.

"I know." Mia whispered back to me. "Um come on." she closed the door and led me deeper into the house.

We stopped in front of two couples who were talking amongst themselves. One pair looked completely unfamiliar to me but the other pair looked a bit familiar. I looked over them again and noticed the resemblance between them and Mia. Her parents.

"Hey dad, mom." Yup I was right.

They turned to look at us or more specifically at her I guess.

"Oh Mia! There you are we've been looking all over for you. Where were you?" her mom exclaimed. She seemed kinda nice.

"Yeah. Uh guys this is Vic." she gestured to me ignoring her mom's question.

They all snapped their gazes towards me, making me nervous. I'm not good with attention. I'm actually pretty shy around huge crowds so this is kinda awkward.

"Hi." I wave a little. Awkkwwwaarrrrdddd.

"Hello Vic I'm Mia's dad, James." He stuck out his hand and I shook it nodding. "And this is my wife Audrey." I shook her hand as well.

"James & Audrey?" I asked. Like James Dean and Audrey Hepburn?

"Yup like James Dean and Audrey Hepburn." he told me smiling at his wife who returned his smile.

"Mia dear Matt was looking for you I think he's in the kitchen." The woman from the other couple said.

"Oh alright. See you guys later then." she said waving and pulling me away from them quickly. "Now we avoid the kitchen by all means." she whispered.

She took me over to where the staircase was and pushed me through a hall close to it. She took me into a room and locked the door behind us.

She sighed, leaning on it and sliding down to the floor.

"Good they know we're in the house at least."

I walked over to her and sat down next to her. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah as long as I don't see him or at least he doesn't try to make contact with me I'm fine."

I nodded. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and she leaned her head on my shoulder.

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