Because Enough's Enough, We're Done.

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Well I knew my parents were coming home but, "What are YOU doing here!?" I asked not moving from my spot.

He smiled at me without saying a word.

"What do you mean what are we doing here? I called you and told you we were coming home." My mom told me.

"Not you guys. Him." I pointed at Matt.

"We called him asking for you when we arrived to an empty house. When he told us he didn't know we invited him over for dinner. We were just waiting for you." My dad answered for Matt.

"What!? No I don't want him here!" I exclaimed getting pissed at the thought of having to look at his face during dinner it's bad enough I have to see my parents faces.

"Young lady! That is no way to speak in front of guest especially your boyfriend." My mom intervened sternly.

"He's not my boyfriend." I told her, but of course you wouldn't know that , I added bitterly in my head.

"Not your boyfriend?" My parents asked at the same time.

"Yeah we broke up..."

"More specifically you broke up with me." Matt interrupted me.

"Now why would you go off and do a thing like that?" My dad asked me with a dissaproving look on his face.

I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off, "Go wash up for dinner now. No complaining." He ordered me.

I groaned internally knowing there was no way out of this. I turned on my heal and stomped towards the bathroom to wash my hands all the while grumbling incoherent things.

I washed my hands as slowly as I could stalling having to go eat dinner with them. I dryed my hands, turned off the bathroom light, and walked out shutting the door behind me. I turned and was about to yell when my mouth was covered.

"Shhh baby. No need for that now. Your parents asked me to come get you since you were taking long, and I thought I'd take this time to warn you. If you even mutter a word about our breakup it will end badly for you. You will need to be punished. Do you understand?" Matt asked threateningly. Damn my parents and their willingness to throw me under the bus. When I didn't attempt to respond to Matt he shoved me against the wall. "Do you understand!?" he hissed in my ear.

"Ughh" I nodded reluctantly.

"Good." He loosened his grip on me but not enough for me to escape. I thought he was gonna back off but he ended up shoving his tongue down my throat. Typical I really should've seen this coming actually.

I tried shoving him off but he would tighten his grip with every try, so I gave up and just waited for him to stop. He finally pulled away. He pecked my lips one last time and pulled my hand towards the kitchen all at once.

When we entered the kitchen my parents didn't look fazed at our tardiness. Assholes.

"Let's get this over with." I muttered silently.

I sat down and set myself up to endure this long dinner, veeerrryyy long.

I tried my best to eat as quickly as I could without being so obvious as to not draw attention to myself.

"Mia you look like you haven't eaten in days. Slow down." My mom scolded. Darn what a fail.

"Uh sorry?" I continued to eat. Matt placed his hand on my lap giving my upper thigh a squeeze before I shoved it off my lap and continued to ignore his presence. Stupid jerk why did he have to come over here anyways.

"So Mia how have you been behaving?" My mom asked trying to make conversation.

"Good." I replied simply trying to avoid conversation.

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