They'll Never Take Us Alive

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They'll Never Take Us Alive


OH MY GOD! I can't believe it! "Genisis!" I yelled surprised, tears coming to my eyes. I can't believe it!

Vic was at my side giving me a concerned yet confused look, questioning me with his eyes. I shook my head at him but he didn't make a move to move away from me.

"Ay dios mio. Mia I'm so glad you picked up the phone." Genisis weeped down the phone.

I nodded wiping tears away before remembering she couldn't see me, "I know, I know. I'm so glad you called." I sniffled.

"How have you been?" I asked  wiping some more tears away.

There was a long pause before she answered, "I've been...ok."

I shook my head still crying. I wish I could help her I miss her so much. "How are Mason and Liam?" I asked her quickly.

She sighed, "Liam's okay he's grown so much I wish you guys could see how much he's grown." she said sadly.

"Oh I do too!" I exclaimed.

"Wait! What about Mason." I asked quickly. Something doesn't seem right.

"Oh well um..." she sighed before going on, "He bailed."

That's it! My anger just went through the roof, "What!? That fucking asshole! How could he like seriously what the fuck!?" I yelled out my frustration. Mason was my twin sister Genisis' baby daddy and yup Liam is her baby and my nephew.

"I know but it's too late to do anything." Genisis said.

I yelled out in frustration. "Woah Mia calm down. What's wrong?" Vic asked genuinely concerned.

"Who's that!?" Genisis yelled down the phone surprised.

Vic wrapped his arms around me and I quickly calmed down.

"Mia!?" I put the phone backk to my ear.

"No te preocupes Genisis it's just a friend of mine." I answered her. I felt Vic shift as I said that but shrugged it off.

"Oh okay if you say so." Genisis said down the phone before sighing.

"What's wrong?" I asked worried.

"Um nothing is um mom and dad there?" she asked nervously.

"Oh uh no they aren't. Why?" I asked confused I know for a fact she wouldn't want to talk to them especially when they practically threw her out on the street after they found out she was pregnant. That was about two years ago and we hadn't heard from her since my parents didn't seem fazed but it really hurt that they would do that. What if I messed up really badly like that would they end up throwin me out on the street too?

"Um no reason. Do you know when they'll be back?" Genisis asked trying to sound nonchalant but I could still hear the nervousness in her voice.

"Come on Genisis there's gotta be a reason, but anyways they're not coming back for maybe a month. They left on a 'business trip' a few days ago so yeah they usually take a while." I urged my twin and added emphasis on business trip because well we didn't believe business trips actually took that long I bet they just chill before they have to come back and deal with me.

They never really seem to notice me not since Genisis left, she was the golden child and when they found she was pregnant they literally blew a gasket. They stopped pretending to care about me they  even pulled me out of private school not that I even liked that school but whatevs. Still it really pissed me off and due to my rage against them and the fact I no longer had my twin with me I decided to rebel against them.

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