I Saw It Coming When You Threw The First Punch

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I Saw It Coming When You Threw The First Punch

~~Vic's POV~~

I sped off to my house. I needed time to think, staying here won't exactly help with that so as soon as I got home I ran up to my room and packed a duffel bag with my clothes and other essentials.

I walked downstairs to tell my parents that I was going to stay over at my Aunt Emilia's , my dad's sister's, in Mexico. (A/N I don't know if he actually has an aunt who lives in Mexico I just put it in there for the story)

They agreed without asking knowing that I needed time for myself.

Mike stood at the front door watching me curiously, "Hey, bro what's going on?" He asked me but I just ignored him and left. Hopping in my car Isped off once again. I was going way over the speed limit that I had to pull over to the side of the rode to calm down a bit.

This is the 6th time I've had to pull over. I'm sitting in my car watching the headlights of the cars going by. I reach for my cell. Fourteen missed calls and 23 texts all from Mike, Tony, and Mia. My phone starts ringing, Tony is calling me. I decline the call and put my phone on silent.

Damn! I need to get going it's getting late. I drove past the border checkpoint. I drove to my aunt's quickly knocking on the door when I arrived.

I hope I didn't wake her I thought as I looked at the street. I heard the door open and I turned to see my aunt standing there with a robe on.

"Hi tia, I hope I didnt wake you." I apologized to her.

She pulled me into a hug, "Ay mijo, don't worry about it. You're father told me you were coming over. Please come inside. Entra, entra." she said with a thick spanish accent ushering me inside.

"Como has estado? How have you been?" she translated for me, knowing I didn't speak much spanish.

"I've been good I guess a few problems but nothing too bad, and you?" I said sadly and asked politely.

She looked at me with sad eyes, "Oh I've been okay not as great since your tio died but okay."

Oh right shit! I forgot my dad told me about that she said my aunt was a mess since then.

"I'm so sorry tia." I apoligized pulling her into a hug. We both needed this I know that.

"Esta bien. It's okay. You know, you remind me of him, your tio. He was tall just like you." she commented.

We stayed quiet before saying we should both go to bed she led me to the spare room down the hall and I settled in drifting oof to sleep. Just before sleep consumed me I thought of Mia and a single tear slipped out, then I was out like a light.

~~Tony's POV~~

It's been almost a whole week since Vic left. We don't know where exactly he went off to, we've tried asking his parents but they won't tell, so we just try any chance we get to try calling or texting him to explain the situation.

He doesn't answer though my guess is who ignores all our calls and texts or else he would've seen it was a big misunderstanding.

Mia's been a mess, as well, after what happened we didnt see her for a few days and we couldn't contact her either so we ended up going to her place to find her crying in a corner of her room.

She blames herself I can tell but I told her that if anything it's all my fault if I hadn't stayed home instead of going to the BBQ like I was going to and confessing my feelings for her, well her and Vic wouldn't have come looking for me and Vic wouldn't have heard what she said all out of context and everything.

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