If You Were Me, You'd Do The Same. 'Cause I Can't Take Anymore

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Dedicated to AbbyDelgado

If You Were Me, You'd Do The Same. 'Cause I Can't Take Anymore

"Shit! Guy's get up!" I hear someone yell out and footsteps running down the stairs.

I groan turning over on the couch.

"Come on you fuckers we got school!" Tony yelled, kicking Jaime's leg. Jaime groaned rubbing his eyes.

Mike groaned as well but proceeded to get up. "Well I'm gonna shower and change." Mike muttered walking upstairs.

I looked up to see Vic on top of me, still half asleep. I screamed pushing him off of me and on top off Jaime on the floor.

They both groaned, "Ow what the fuck Fuentes get off me!" Jaime yelled.

Tony laughed, "Thanks Mia."

I laughed as well, "No problem." I shrugged following Tony to the kitchen. I took in his appearance realizing he had showered and changed.

"Sooo did you sleep well?" I asked with a smirk.

Tony froze and I saw a blush cover his face. I laughed pointing at his face, "That says it all!"

"Sh-shut up." he mumbled looking away.

I chuckled at him as I got out some orange juice. I poured myself a glass before handing the bottle to Tony.

"Thanks." he said pouring himself some juice. I nodded, finishing my own juice.

The door from the kitchen swung open and Vic walked in.

"Damn. Uh I'm gonna head home now to change." He informed us.

I waved my hands at him dismissively, "No no don't worry about that I got some of your clothes up in my room from the last time you slept here. I even washed them for you." I told him.

He looked at me surprised, "Thanks....wait! What!? I slept here!?"

"Uh yeah..." I trailed off suddenly realizing he had no memory of everything we've done together. "Oh right! Amnesia! Sorry, anyways.....come on." I said walking out the door.

"As you can see she's slow in the mornings."

"Shut up Turtle!" I yelled walking up the stairs. They both laughed at me. Vic following me.

We got to my room and I pulled his clothes out of the back of my walk in closet. "Here you go." I said handing him the clothes in my hand.

"Uh Thanks." He said looking through them.

"Sure...uh you can take a shower in the bathroom down the hall over there." I told him pointing down the hall.

He nodded and looked back at me. He looked as if he wanted to say something and I waited in anticipation for him to speak.

"Um right I'll just go." he said backing away and not looking at me.

He walked out shutting the door behind him. Leaving me in shock and confusion. I sighed. Oh well.

I quickly took a shower, changed, dryed my hair, and put on light make-up. I walked in my room grabbing all our backpacks and ran down the stairs jumping the last two steps. I dumped the bags at the front door and walked in the kitchen. I looked around at everyone at the table. They were all showered and changed since they always have a spare set of clothes from when they slept over so much. They were all eating toast peacefully.

I smiled as I walked over and snatched a piece of toast from Jaime. "Heyyy! That's mine!" he yelled out. I stuck my tongue out at him, sitting on the counter.

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