No Such Thing As Too Young

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No Such Thing As Too Young

I concentrate on the sound of my wheels rolling on the concrete as I hurriedly race to Matt's house. My name is Mia and Matt well lets just say he's my boyfriend, we've been together since forever not really but we have been together for a long time. Three years exactly today is our 3 year anniversary, as soon as I got myself ready for the day I was out the door and racing to his house on my board. I was enjoying the wind whipping on my face and blowing my straight black hair back. I jumped onto the street and heard the loud honking of a car i abruptly turned my head as i faced the hood of the car just centimeters from me. I stared in shock as my brain processed what just happened, I almost got hit by a car! Jeez man what a great way to start the day, with a near death experience!

I remained frozen as the owner of the car jumped out of the car and ran towards me, "Oh god! Dude are you okay? I'm so sorry!" I could feel my anger rise as i snapped out of my thoughts I turned towards him and glared. He had an expression of concern towards me, as I took in his appearance my anger subsided.

He was about 5'7 which left me two inches shorter than him. He had long dark brown hair with a beanie on, brown eyes, full lips, he was wearing a plain black shirt and skinny jeans. In all honesty he was pretty hot but I would never let him know that afterall I do have a boyfriend. I suddenly gasped as I thought of my boyfriend which caused.... hmm...I don't know his name....what are you thinking Mia you have a boyfriend you shouldn't care about this guy.

Anyways this guy who had almost run me over gave me a questioningly look. I stared into his eyes and found myself unable to look away. I heard another honk and jumped looking to see we were still in the midlle of the road. I shook my head abruptly and hopped onto my board and skated away as fast as i could leaving beanie dude puzzled in the middle of the road. The car honking must have snapped him out of his daze, because I could hear him calling back for me. I quickly looked back to see he had given up and had gotten back in his car

I let out a sigh of relief, for some reason I really did not want to have to face him. I couldn't help but think about him as I continued on my way to Matt's house. As soon as I got there I hopped of my board, ran up the porch steps, into the house, up the stairs, and straight into Matt's room. I opened the door and stared frozen into the room, I gasped, there on the bed was Matt on top of s-some "SLUT! Y-y-you ASSHOLE! How dare you!" Matt jumped up off the bed, "Woah Mia! No!" I slammed his bedroom door, ran down the stairs and out the door. My vision became blurry, I just couldn't believe it! My boyfriend of three years cheated on me! Me! Mia Sanchez! How dare he do this to me!

Without thinking I ran into the street and yet again I heard more car honking and screeching as the driver of a very familiar black car slammed on the brakes. The driver ran over to me and can you guess who it was, yup beanie dude. "Shit! Not again!" he grabbed my shoulders and shook me, "Yo! You seriously need to stop running into the street like that!" i couldn't respond as tears kept pouring down my face. He stopped shaking me and gave me a look of concern for the second time today, "Woah, are you okay?" just then Matt came out.

"Mia! Wait! I'm sorry!" he made his way over to me. I shook my head, "I don't give a fuck!" I yelled angrily. I pushed Matt away from me disgusted, "I almost died racing to see you only to find you fucking some whore! And then again almost die trying to get away from you! I'm over this BULLSHIT! Got It!!" I yelled pushing him away every chance I got. "C'mon baby! Give me another chance! I promise it will never happen again!" just then 'beanie dude' pulled me away from Matt.

That made Matt turn to him, "Who the fuck is this!? Get your hands off my girlfriend!" I got more riled up and struggled in beanie dudes grip, "I am not your girlfriend! I stopped being your girlfriend when you slept with that bitch in your room!" Matt groaned and reached for my arm but beanie dude pushed me behind him. Matt glared at him, "Come on Mia, let's go inside! NOW!" I cowared in fear he had never spoken to me that way it was pretty scary. Beanie dude pushed me out of Matt's sight, "Mia isn't going anywhere with you. So just go back inside." beanie dude said calmly, the sound of his voice calmed me.

"I'm not going anywhere without Mia." Matt practically growled at him. "Like i said before Mia isn't going anywhere with you." he said firmly. Matt glared at him before giving up, "Fine whatever! You can have sex with him for all I care!" he yelled before stomping back to his house. I let out a sigh of relief as he slammed the front door shut. Beanie dude turned around to look at me, he looked genuinely concerned for me,"Um...come on. I'll take you home."

He lead me to the passenger door and opened it for me. As soon I was seated he closed the door and made his way to the driver side. He turned to look at me as he started the car. "Are you okay?" I nodded, "Yeah, just fine." I sighed. He nodded, looking at the road. "Um..." "Vic." he said glancing at me briefly. "Uh right, Vic, I'm sorry about all that." I said looking downat my hands. "It's okay, it wasn't your fault after all." I nodded, "Yeah i guess."

He looked at me before pulling to the side of the road. He turned his body towards me with one hand on the steering wheel,"Look, Mia, I may not know you very well but i know enough to say that-that wasn't your fault, and you certainly didn't deserve it. Nobody does." All i could do was stare and nod at him. He sighed, "Okay, so where do you live?" he said looking at the road.

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