Count The Moments On Account Of The Way You Smile For Me

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I Held A Diamond To The Sun To Count The Moments On Account Of The Way You Smile For Me

(^ Whole Title^)

~~~Vic's POV~~~

"You put me in a fucking coma!" I yelled in between punches.

 Matt tried sheilding his face but I still got some punches in.

"Do something!" I heard Mia yell after about 10 minutes of just beating on him.

"Yeah, yeah I got it." Cam replied to her seconds before pulling me back.

"What are you doing! This asshole needs to get straightened out!" I yelled at Cameron.

"Hey I'm not really against it but I think you got your message across already." Cam replied calmly.

"Are you fucking kidding me!? He landed me in a coma! And he raped her!" I added in the end when he seemed like he was going to dismiss me. I saw as my words sunk in and rage flashed through his eyes.

He glared over at Matt before jumping on him too. He punched and kicked him repeatedly.

"Mike! I need your help! It's bad! Hurry!" I heard Mia's distressed call to my brother.

Shit! Mia! I turned back to her to see her shaking and tears in her eyes.

 "Mia! Oh my god are you okay?" I asked walking closer to her.

She lifted up her hand up stopping me in my place. "Please?" she begged me, crying.

"M-Mia?" I asked desperately. She backed away when I walked closer to her. No! No! Please don't block me out again!

"Please Mia." I begged. "I'm sorry I had no control over my actions at the moment." I pleaded with her to understand.

I heards tires screeching a few minutes before Mike came running over to us from the side of the house.

"Mia!?" he ran over to her immediately when he saw the state she was in.

"What happened here?" Mike asked pulling her into a hug and looked around at us.

It pierced my heart to see her willingly hug him, but I pushed the pain aside as I explained to Mike.

"Matt showed up, I got my memory back, and I beat the shit out of him." I answered emotionlessly and shrugged.

Mike narrowed his eyes at me in the dark and shook his head.

He sighed, "I guess I should have anticipated that." he stated.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Well I kind of figured he was the cause of your memory loss so I guessed he could've been, which he apparently was, the person who could bring your memory back." He explained.

I turned back to Matt and Cam to see Cam standing closely by him as Matt was unconscious. Now how are we gonna explain this to his parents?

"Hey um what do we do with him now?" Cam asked.

"I don't know. Dump him in the pool or something." I suggested coldly.

"He'll drown!" I heard Mia yell out.

I turned back to her, "Who cares he deserves it."

She shook her head and ran past me into the house. Mike looked at me and glared.

No Such Thing As Too Young ( Vic Fuentes Fan Fiction )Where stories live. Discover now