I'll Be Your Breath If You Can Be Mine.

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jI'll Be Your Breath If You Can Be Mine.

"Who's phone is that?" I asked looking at all the guys.

"What?" Mike asked confused.

"Someone's phone is ringing." I say and everyone quiets down before we all turn to Jaime who's sleeping with his arms crossed.

"Shit! Jaime! Wake up! You're phone's ringing!" Vic yelled shaking Jaime furiously.

Jaime jumped up from the couch on full alert, "Huh!? What!? What happened!?" we all laugh at his reaction.

"Man you're phone is ringing." Mike told him.

Jaime reached into his pocket, "Oh. Hello?"

There was silence as the person on the other line spoke. "Que? Perdon, mande?"

The person yelled down the phone, "Esta bien! No, ya voy para aya! Mama!" Jaime yelled.

Jaime pulled the phone from his ear and looked at the screen. My guess is she hung up on him.

"Fuck! Sorry I gotta go guys my mom's pissed as fuck! Shit!" Jaime yelled looking around the room.

"It's cool, go." I said dismissively. He nodded and rushed out the door.

"Oh wait! Fuck he's our ride! Let's go!" Mike yelled out. I felt Tony shift from under me and I got up while Mike went to catch up to Jaime. I looked at the clock, it was 7:00 p.m.

Tony ran out behind Mike, and Vic was slowly getting up and was walking out the door. "Wait! V-Vic um...I..well you don't have to if you don't want to, but...uh...can you uh stay over tonight." I asked nervously.

"I mean you don't have to I mean I guess you're parents would probably be worried and stuff but um yeah I don't want to be alone and..." I rushed out.

Vic walked up to me and put his index finger to my lips, "Woah woah woah Mia chill. Don't worry of course I'll stay with you. I'll just call my mom and tell the guys. Ok?" He pulled his phone out when I nodded and walked out to the guys who were already in the car.

"Vic! What the fuck! Apurate! No tengo tiempo para esto! My mom is gonna fucking beat my ass I swear!" Jaime rushed Vic.

"It's cool just go without me I'm gonna stay with Mia." Vic explained

"Alright peace man!" Jaime yelled before quickly backing the car out of the driveway and speeding down the street.

Vic was talking to his mom on the phone kicking at the ground and smiling. "Yeah. Thanks mom. Bye." he hung up and walked up to me with his arms wide open. I giggled before running into them and hugging him.

"Thanks Vic I appreciate it. Alot!" I giggled more as he rocked me back and forth.

"Of course Mia I wouldn't want you to sleep here all by you're lonesome, especially with that crazy ex of yours running amuck." He laughed in my ear. Damn that laugh it's so, sigh, welcoming it makes me feel so complete I swear if I ever lost this boy I would lose apart of myself.

We walked in the house and went straight for the kitchen full of dirty dishes. I sighed these guys make such a big mess just for having lunch since they did clean up for breakfast.

"So Mike is gonna come back over to drop off my clothes real quick." He came up from behind, wrapping his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear, "And then we'll have the house all to ourselves from there." I shivered from the way he made me feel. I turned in his arms and looked into his eyes, "Hmm that sounds really exciting." He chuckled at me and I laughed as I pushed him off me so I could wash the dishes and fix us some dinner.

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