So What If I Can't Forget You

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So What If I Can't Forget You

I looked down messing with my hands on my lap, "Um by Dove and Eagle street." I said still not looking up.

I could feel Vic's gaze on me for a bit, before he turned in his seat and pulled into the road. He drove for about fifteen minutes before I looked up to see where we were.

The drive home shouldn't have took that long, no less than 8 minutes at the most.

I looked out the window confused, "Um...where are we going?" I asked Vic tentatively. He quickly glanced in my direction and shrugged, "Well, it seemed you didn't feel like going home, so I thought we could go get a bite to eat."

I nodded in response and continued to look out the window.

Vic cleared his throat as I looked over at him, "We're here." he said as he pulled into a parking space at Nico's diner.

My eyes widened as I looked at the diner. Vic took his seatbelt off and watched me.

"Aren't you gonna get out?"

I didn't answer, just continued to stare at the diner.

Vic looked at the diner then back at me.

"What's wrong?"

Still no answer.

Vic then waved his hand in front of my face.

"Mia?" he asked worry lacing his voice.

I snapped out of it.

"Um yea?"

He looked at me completely worried, "Are you okay? Is something wrong?"

I shook my head, "I'm fine."

He narrowed his eyes at me not believing that i was fine. "Come on Mia you can tell me. What's wrong?"

I sighed in defeat, "Fine. This"

He looked at me curiously, waving in a circular motion for me to gon on, "Is?"

"It... belongs to...Matt's family...we..." I sighed before going on. "We used to always come here when we were dating." I rushed out while squeezing my eyes shut.

I cringed waiting to hear laughter come from my pathetic excuse, but nothing was heard. just silence. I slowly opened my eyes to look at Vic.

He looked at me with concern, "I'm sorry. We can go somewhere else if you like."

I shook me head abruptly, "No. No, it's fine."

He put his hand on mine, "Are you sure?"

I nodded, " Yes I'm sure."

He looked at me for a while before nodding his head, "Ok then. Let's go."

I nodded and unfastened my seatbelt to find Vic holding my door open for me. Wow that was fast, I thought to myself. I quickly jumped out the car.

I started feeling more nervous as we neared the front door. Vic, probably noticing my nervousness, took my hand in his. I was about to pull away, but stopped myself as I found comfort in him holding my hand in his big warm one.

I felt myself relax as we walk through the diner door, thanks to Vic.

But that relaxation was short lived as we continued to find a seat.

I groaned aloud at the person standing in front of me. Great! Just Great! I thought as I stood there with Vic still holding my hand. Fuck My Life!

[OK so that's the second chapter. Please




I really want to get this story out there so i would appreciate anything you do to help


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