You Said You're Having A Baby

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You Said You're Having A Baby

"What do you mean you missed your period?" Mike asked, his eyes wide.

"I missed my period last month and I was supposed to get it two days ago." I was panicking. This can't be happening. I've only ever had sex with one person in my whole life and that was Matt.

Mike ran a hand through his hair, "Are you sure?"

"Yes! It's not rocket science Mike." I went to sit down on my bed.

Mike sighed as he sat beside me. He looked like he was in shock and I felt like I was too.

"Don't worry Mia. We're going to get through this. We're going to get you tested just to make sure and if it comes down to you being pregnant then... we'll just go from there." he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and rubbed my back softly.

I leaned into him, "I don't want to be pregnant." I sobbed. "I mean it's not like I never wanted kids but I'm just too young. Look at Genisis, she can barely keep up. I love my sister but I don't want that life for me."

"I know, Mia, and I'm sorry. You don't deserve this. I wish I could've been there for you before but you can't change the past." he continued o rub my back soothingly while I cried into his shoulder.

"Please don't tell the guys. Not until we're sure." I whispered when I found my voice.

"Of course, get some rest now." Mike laid me down on the bed.

"Please stay." I pulled at his arm. He didn't say anything just laid down beside me. I rested my head on his chest and fell asleep.


"Are you alright?" Mike asked as soon as I woke up the next morning.

I nodded.

"Okay. I uh got you an appointment at the clinic to get tested."

"Thank you. I appreciate it."

He nodded. "We better get ready for school."

I got up and headed to my bathroom to shower. I changed quickly in my closet and walked out to see Mike showered and changed. I grabbed my stuff and walked with Mike downstairs.

"When is the appointment?" I asked as I went into the kitchen.

"Monday morning." I pulled out two muffins and gave him one. I nibbled on it as I nodded. "You gotta eat right, you know."

I sighed, "I know I'm sorry. I just feel really nervous right now and it doesn't help that I have to wait almost a whole week."

"Hey, don't worry we're going to do this together."

I shook my head, "I don't know."

I moved away from him a bit.

"You're not still mad are you?"

I shrugged.

He sighed, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that to you. We shouldn't have done that to you. Especially me though. You're my best friend, but I clearly didn't treat you as such."

I stayed silent. I crossed my hands over my chest and looked down at the floor as if I was concentrating on something really hard.

Mike touched my shoulder lightly and I unconsciously flinched away. He looked at me worriedly.

"Um..." My voice croaked and I cleared my throuat before continuing. "We better get going."

He stayed quiet for a moment, running his eyes over my face, before nodding.

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