There Ain't A Thing That You Can Do That's Gonna Ruin My Night

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There Ain't A Thing That You Can Do That's Gonna Ruin My Night

I should've seen this coming, I thought to myself. A million things were rushing through my mind, but i couldn't get myself to speak or move.

"Wow!" The silence between us was broken by Elissa. Matt's twin sister. "I told Matt you were a stupid whore!  But he wouldn't listen to me, his own twin! You're even stupid enough to have an affair on him and bring this guy to our family restaurant."

I can't believe it! I can't believe she just said that to me! I felt my blood boil at her accusations. She knows nothing! And she's accusing me of cheating! OH FUCK NO!

"Look bitch! I am not or ever have cheated on Matt! If anything Matt cheated on me!"

"Ha! Right! Like Matt would ever do that, my stupid twin was so hung up on you, it fucking pissed me off. Like seriously a hoe like you. Ugh!"

"Yeah! Then why did i find your stupid twin fucking some skank this morning!? Hmm? Can you answer me that!?" I paused for a second. "Didn't think so."

Elissa looked at me with a bored expression, "Whatever." she said before walking off to clean dirty tables.

"Bitch." I muttered before dragging Vic over to an empty booth in the corner, by the window. We sat down and i picked up the menu pretending to look at it. Truth is I know everything on the menu, I just wanted to use it to hide from Vic's probing eyes. My eyes drifted away from the menu to look out the window.

I started to daydream about being free and not having to worry about everything going on in my life currently. I was snapped out of it when Vic sighed and snatched the menu from my hands. I glared at him, "Hey that was mine."

He smirked at me and looked through it, "Soo, you weren't looking at it anyways."

I diverted my eyes to the table,"Yea I was."






I groaned and slid back on the seat, "Fine, whatever. Keep it, i don't want it." I said crossing my arms and pouting.

Vic laughed and set the menu down on the table.

"It's not funny!" I whined still pouting.

He laughed more before getting up and sliding in next to me. I stubbornly turned my head towards the window arms still crossed. Vic attempted to uncross my arms, and i tried my best to keep them crossed. I knew he could easily uncross them but he didn't.

"I'm sorry Mia, it wasn't funny, I'm sorry. Forgive me?"

I peeked at him and saw him smiling, I quickly turned my head back towards the window and let out a 'Humph.'

"Aww come on I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I don't like seeing you mad. Pwease?"

I turned to look at him to see him pouting, Aww I can't resist. It's the cutest puppy face I've ever seen! My face broke into a big smile, "Fine." I said still smiling.

Vic smiled widely before pulling me in for a hug, "Yay!!!" he yelled before kissing my cheek.

He pulled back slightly and looked into my eyes. I felt my heart melt just staring into his eyes. His eyes looked down to my lips and I looked down at his lips. I just wanted so bad to kiss him and never let him go, but i couldn't help but think back to Matt. It brought tears to my eyes just thinking of him.

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