The Consequence Is If I Leave I'm Alone

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The Consequence Is If I Leave I'm Alone

"Dad." I acknowledged my father.

"Mia." he gave me a hug making me flinch.

"Um...what? Why are you hugging me."

"I'm sorry." he mumbled his voice cracking.

"Woah what? Are you...crying?"

"I'm sorry, mija. I don't know how I'll ever make it up to you but I'm sorry."

"Um." I'm so confused I thought as I remained limp in his hands. 

"My beautiful daughter, I've let you down. " he sobbed.

"Uh dad? How about we get inside?" I asked, uncertain.

"I thought you had a business trip, dad?" I asked once inside with the front door shut.

"I did but I told them I had family problems and you know family is the most important thing in life." he responded.

I wanted to scoff in his face, but held myself back. My father is the most decent of my two parents and I don't want to be on his bad side right now.

After all he did come home once he heard news of my...disorder and rehabilitation plans, unlike my mother.

"I know you're busy dad, you should've stayed where you were. I can handle myself."

My father frowned considerably and took my hands in his gently.

"Sweetie nothing is as important as family. I took a much needed vacation from work to be with you."

I nodded, kind of freaked out. This is weird.

"How about some breakfast then?" he stood up and headed for the kitchen.

I didn't say anything.


I took my phone out to look at the text I received.

Morning :) -Vic

Morning :/ -Mia I clicked send

A few seconds later Blip. Blip.

Are you okay? Is something wrong?  -Vic

Do you want me to come over? I will....if you want.  -Vic

I sighed.

No it's fine Vic. My dad is here that's all. -Mia

I walked into the kitchen to find my dad cooking up some scrambled eggs with bacon.

"Are yu ready for rehab?" he asked casually.

"I'm as ready as I can be or ever will be." I muttered.

He hugged me, "You're strong you know that? I love you."

I shrugged him off uncomfortably, "Uh thanks, dad."


Your dad? What's he doing home? -Vic

Yeah I don't know he said something about loving me and wanting to be here for me. -Mia

I put my phone away and looked at my dad. He looks older and older everytime I see him. Of course I only see him once every few months.

"I'm going to go get dressed." I stood up.

"Alright I'll be here finishing breakfast."

I stared at him, "Um, yeah." I turned and sprinted up to my room.

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