Chapter 5- Tattooed Heart

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Chapter 5.. Tattooed Heart

-Ariana P.O. V-

"That explains everything." I looked at the girl. "What's your name?" I questioned.

"London Johnson." She answered.

"Johnson? Why isn't your last name Grande ?" I questioned once more.

"I was adopted by the Johnson family. " She answered .

It was silent. I walked up to London and give her a big bear hug.

I broke the silent ," I can't believe that I'm twin. ."

We both hugged each other until Frankie came along.

"Ariana, these prom losers are waiting for you." Frankie said looking at London up and down. He had a grin in his face.

-London P.O.V-

"Ariana, these prom losers are waiting for you." Frankie said to Ariana. Frankie looked up and down at me with a strange look.

"Hi." I waved in front of his face.

"Two Ariana. Freaky dicky." Ariana and I started to laugh. . "I'm Frankie. I'm guessing i am your older brother." He pulled me into a big group hug with Ariana.

"I'm London by the way." I said with giggles.

Frankie broke the silent, "London and Ariana. That's a really great combo. " He said grabbing both of our hands and pulling us backstage where Ariana is suppose to perform.

Ariana started to dance in place to warm her up to go on stage. She looked over at me and asked, " What's your favorite song of Yours Truly ? "

"Ummm. Tattooed Heart? " Ariana smiled and walked onto stage singing Tattooed Heart.

Ariana P.O.V-

"Tattooed Heart." I finished singing the last words of Tattooed Heart and looked over at London.

" I'm dedicated Tattooed Heart to London Johnson. You all must know her as a regular student. I know her as my Twin Sister. " Everyone on the prom dancing floor gasped.

London P.O.V-

I smiled when Ariana was making a little speech of dedicating Tattooed Heart to me.

"London." I turned around and faced my biological mother, Joan Grande

"What do you want?" I asked.

"You grew up to be such a beautiful young lady." She put her hand over my cheek and smiled.

I moved my face so that her hand would drop, " I'm in good terms with my siblings. Not in good terms with you." I walked away imminently.

London. (Grande's Twin Sister) (UNDER BIG EDIT)Where stories live. Discover now