Chapter 53- Grammy Night

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Chapter 53- Grammy Night

*The Red Carpet*

London P.O.V-

“Who are you wearing tonight?” The host from Enews asked, while looking over to my formal black floral dress.

“Dolce and Gabbana. “I smiled, while saying it through the microphone, “What about you, I love your dress.” I smiled, while pointing over to Giuliana's orange dress, that was absolutely beautiful.

“Versace, enough talking about me, Let’s talk about you!” She determined, while smiling big.

“I’m such a boring person.” I joked, while looking over to the camera. “My life is so boring, trust me.” I giggled. “I love to eat, sing, and sleep.” I thought, while holding on to the microphone lightly.

“and touring with Justin Bieber is boring?” She questioned, while I joked by nodding  yes. “So how is it working with such a stud muffin?” She questioned me once more, which bumping on to my shoulder playfully.

“Stud muffin?” I giggled in place, while restating the question in my brain. “He’s such a talented and fun person to be around with, so It’s actually amazing and the least boring thing in my life.” I stated, while fixing my hair behind my ear.

“Are you two dating or just friends?” She asked, making me choke on my own saliva.

“Dating?” I began, while giving her my crazy eyes. “Im sorry, but in his wildest dreams.” I giggled, while clearing my throat loudly. “I’m newly single, so I’m staying that way.” I giggled, while covering my mouth.

“Newly single. So the fans on twitter want to know, how do you get over a heartbreak?” She questioned, while making me think for a while.

“Just surround yourself with positive people, and eat a lot of Ben & Jerry's.” I stated, while seeing the director demanding Giuliana to wrap it up. “I think we have to end this.” I frowned,  while pointing the director.

“Oh darn, I just love talking to you.” She stated, while wrapping her arm around my shoulder, “Have fun tonight, and you look absolutely beautiful.” She smiled, while rubbing my arm.

“Aw Thank you Giuliana.”I smiled, while hugging her tightly goodbye. “I’ll call you later.” I joked, while making the phone singal with my hands against my ear.

“Alright, There we have it, The most sweetest talented young girl, London Grande.” She stated, while I exited the mini stage, making my way towards my mommy Joan.

“Good Job baby girl.” Joan claimed, while pecking a small sweet kiss on my cheek. “So proud of you.” She stated, while our instructor lead the way to our assigned seats. “This is incredible.” Joan smiled, while taking her seat beside me.

“This is such a dream.” I stated, while looking at the big stage, with my eyes wide open of amazment. “Justin’s on his way.” I smiled, while looking through my phone.

“So Justin..” Joan began, while nuding on to my arm. “He’s a cutie.” She giggled, while fixing my hair into place.

“Mom, He’s just a friend.” I stated, while looking over to her. “I’m just not over Harry...” I mumbled, while looking straight to the ground.

“London.” Justin smiled, while lifting my head from ground. “Be Happy, Where at the grammys!”He chuckled, while taking a quick seat right by me.

“You’re right.” I smiled, while leaning against Justin’s side. “Harry’s here.” I whispered in his ear, while seeing his head tilt to the left, where Harry and Taylor were sitting.

London. (Grande's Twin Sister) (UNDER BIG EDIT)Where stories live. Discover now