Chapter 56- Cotton Candy

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Chapter 56- Cotton Candy

Harry P.O.V-

"Lately I've been jamming to some Justin Bieber." London winked towards Justin, while still giving her famous cheeky smile.

"Yeah and I've been listening to this amazing new London Grande." Justin chuckled, while planting a small kiss on London's lips. "Opps, I forgot we were live." Justin lied, while looking over to the camera.

"Harry" Niall called, making me immediately shut the computer off. "Have you seen my phone?" He questioned, while looking at me weird. "I thought I heard voices coming from your room." He stated, while looking around my room.

"It was nothing." I lied, while looking around the bed. "I haven't seen your phone lad." I stated, while taking deep breaths.

"I swear I heard London's giggles." He determined, making me look at him with total shock. "What is it Harry?" He questioned, while plopping a seat right next to me.

"There's nothing to share."I stated, while standing up from the bed, while making my way to the bathroom, to fix my quiff into place.

"Are you sure about that?" He questioned, while hearing London's giggles coming near Niall.

"Niall, What the heck!" I yelled, while seeing him check on my laptop into London's twitcam with Justin. "That is consider privacy!" I demanded, while snatching the computer shut from Niall.

"You're still not over her." Niall stated, while standing up from the bed.

"It's not that easy." I claimed, while running my hands through my hair. "Basically we both moved on, I'm happily in love with 'Taylor.'" I quoted, while looking over to Niall. "And London is newly taken by Justin." I started, feeling Niall gasp loudly. "I know." I stated, while putting on a shirt and pants.

"Listen lad, we are going to do that interview today, then you and I are going out for a couple of drinks." Niall demanded, while putting his arm on my back. "Some strong tequila can be the cure." He nodded,while making our way to the lobby and into our black van, where all the rest of the lads were waiting.


*Interview Time*

"Hello I'm Zayn." Zayn smiled, while waving the camera.

"I'm Niall." Niall stated, while giving a slightly wink.

"I'm Liam." Liam claimed, while raising his hand.

"I'm Louis." Louis grinned, while making a silly face to the camera.

"And I'm Harry." I said, with no emotion whatsoever.

"And We are One Direction!" We all said, while making everyone in the crowd clap for us.

"Let's get this interview started." The interviewer smiled, while reading a paper. "Let's start with you Harry." He demanded, while scrolling down his notes.

It was just the Interviewer and I after all, The boys went to take a small break, while I was the first one up. I looked over to the interviewer, while he kept scrolling down his notes for the most famous questions that has been asked on these social networks from fans.

"Okay, Relationships, How's that going?" He questioned, while making me think for a while.

"It's going good. I mean I'm seeing someone right now. You may know her as country singer, Taylor Swift." I stated. while nodding.

"I mean't London, do you both still keep in contact?" He questioned.

"Nope, we both moved on." I stated, while nodding my head no.

"But you guys were so in Love, What happened?" He asked, making my heart beat sink into my stomach.

"I would say, fame, paparazzi, and haters that's really it." I lied, while feeling my eyes get a little watery, but covering it by looking at the ground. I knew I was lying,but If my fans knew the truth, they will never want to see me again.

"So you think If you both did not live the fame life, you both will probably be together?" He tested me, making me nod yes. "Knowing you two moved on, London is gaining all the hate." He began. "How do you feel about this?" He questioned.

"Rubbish, London is such an amazing girl, who doesn't deserve all the hate she's getting." I determined, while making my angry face to the camera. "I feel like the fan's doesn't know our part of the stories, and they do jump to conclusions." I began while taking deep breaths. "Overall, London got her heartbroken from me." I claimed.

"So you broke America's new sweetheartt?" He questioned, while making me nod yes to the ground. "Do you regret it?" He questioned, while making my head pop up once more.

"I do regret at times, but I knew it was the best thing to do." I stated, while looking up the interviewer.

"Don't you two, share a little puppy?" He determined, while a picture appeared in his hands with Toulouse and London.

"Yes, we do." I stated, while nodding yes. "Toulouse is taken care by my sister, Gemma." I stated, while thinking about Toulouse deeply. "I feel Toulouse is eventually going to stay with London, because that is her dog."

"So it's not a happy family anymore?" He questioned.

"I guess it's not." I frowned, while running my hand through my quiff.

"So why did you move on so quickly?"

"I felt like it was the right thing to do at the moment." I stated, while looking up to face the interviewer once more. "And Taylor is a very nice girl." I lied, while looking over to Interviewer.

"Cut!" The director yelled, making the interviewer and I shake our hands, goodbye. "Next Niall." He demanded, while Niall took a quick seat on the hot spot.

"Uncle Harry!" Lux yelled, while running her way towards me. "Look what I got." She claimed, while raising the cotton candy up in the air.

"How yummy." I chuckled, while picking her up, and taking a quick bit of the cotton candy. "Can I have it?" I jokingly asked, while she immediately nodded no. "Why not?"

"It's mine!" She claimed, while holding the cotton candy against her chest. "We can share, uncle Harry." She smiled, while feeding me a piece of it.

"Thank you princess Lux." I smiled, while chewing.

"Your welcome prince Harry." She giggled, while planting a sticky kiss over my cheek. "Where's London?" She questioned, while looking around the sutdio.

"Lux, London and I arent together anymore." I stated, while making Lux open her mouth of shockness. "I broke her heart."

" A banaid can help." She smiled, while leaning her head on my shoulder.

"I'll try that next time..." I chuckled, while kissing her forehead and hugging her tightly.


*Justin or Harry?*



London. (Grande's Twin Sister) (UNDER BIG EDIT)Where stories live. Discover now