Chapter 16- Story Of My Life

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Chapter 16- Story Of My Life

"Thank you for flying with American Airlines." The announcement said in the airplane.

My Flight landed at 8 am . I made my way to the Baggage Claim to get the suitcases. The airport wasn't as busy as I thought , but fans did recognize me walking by. I did take quick pictures with a few but I made my way to baggage claim calmly. d I stood by the baggage claim until I see my blue luggage .

I felt two strong arms wrapping around my waist and a small peck landed on my cheek. I turned around and face Mr.Harry Styles looking handsome with his adorable gray hat.

"Welcome back Ms. Johnson. Holmes Chapel missed you." Harry smirked.

" I think it was just you." I giggled while looking around .

"Fact." Harry chuckled and rubs the sides of my hips. "Are you ready to go ?" I nodded yes and felt Harry taking my suitcase in his hands . Harry then put the suitcase on the trunk and we both entered his beautiful black range rover.

"I'm frozen." I stated to the cold air of Homes Chapel. Harry grabbed my left hand and started to rub them with his gigantic hands. "Thank you." I smiled. He then turn on the car and drove off avoiding the paparazzi surrounding the car.

" You're welcome." He grinned and focused on the road. I just laid my head on against the window and closed my eyes . I drifted off to sleep leaning against the cold window.

"London, your home." Harry poked my arm lightly. I looked outside the window to make sure its home. I rushed out of the car and stood there smiling in the cold.

"Aren't you coming ?" I smiled,Harry and I walked into the warm home . "Hello, anyone home?" I spoke.

"London?" My dad questioned.

"Daddy!" I rushed towards him and jumped into his arms.

" I missed you honey." He stated while kissing the top of my head. My dad faced Harry and let his hand out for a handshake, " You must be London's friend , Harry?"

"Yes Sir." Harry stated and shook my dads hand. "Nice to meet you sir."

"Call me David." My dad smiled and called my mom over.

"LONDON! I missed you honey bunny." My mom rushed to hug me. "Harry, Annie's son?" My mom questioned.

"Yes. Nice to meet you Ms. Johnson." He shook my mom's hand this time, and smiled.

"Call me Victoria." My mom smiled. "Show Harry Around." She demanded and I nodded yes .

Harry P.O.V-

"This is the living room. We mostly watch family movies and Sunday night American football." London mentioned .

"What team?" I asked.

"Packers.Duh." London stated while pointing at the packers blanket on the couch.

"Clever Choice." I smirked while following London up the stairs.

"This is my parents room, brother's room, and my room." She pointed to the last door to the left. London led me to her room, and the first thing I see photos all over the white walls.

"So many pictures, but why on the walls? " I questioned, and scanned each picture slowly.

"Written on these walls , are stories i can't explain. Its basically the story of my life ." She smiled.

I started to look at every detail of the pictures, until one caught my eye. It was London and young boy kissing each other. I pointed at the picture and broke the silent, " Boyfriend?"

"Ex. Boyfriend." She then ripped the picture off the wall and threw it in the garbage. She then sat on her white bed and patted the seat right next to her. " I'm trying to find the right guy." London smirked and poked my chest lightly.

" I would kiss you." I stated while looking over at London and giving her my famous smirk.

"So do it then." She fought back. I pulled her closer into my arms and kisses her lips gently . "That wasn't so hard." She mumbled against my lips. I kissed her once more until my phone rang loudly.

Me- Whats up?

Louis- We still on for tonight's meet up with the rest of the boys?

Me: Of course lad.

Louis: Alright , see you then honey bunny.

Me: Bye.

I then hung up , "Girlfriend?" She looked up and pointed at my phone.

"No. I got my eyes on this special." I kissed her forehead quickly. "Beautiful." I kissed her right cheek. "Amazing." I kissed her left cheek . "Girl." I then planted a small kiss on her lips.

"London!" A young gentlemen came running into the room, giving London a big hug.

"I'm going to let you two catch up. London, I'll see you around." I added, feeling very awkward in this situation.

"I'll walk you to the car." London volunteered, we both walked to my black range rover. "Thank you for the ride. It was fun spending time with you." She smiled leaning against the driver's door.

"It was my pleasure." I kissed London's forehead and entered the driver seat.

"BTW. Luke is my brother. " London mentioned, and started walking to the front steps of her home.

I rolled down the window , "I'll pick you up at 10. Wear something pretty." I smirked and drove off home.




London. (Grande's Twin Sister) (UNDER BIG EDIT)Where stories live. Discover now