Chapter 34- Recording Studio

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Chapter 34

The Next Day:


London P.O.V-

The Next Day:

*Recording Studio*

“This is heaven.” My eyes widen, while looking at all the platnium records on the walls.I scanned through the hottest platnium records such as Rihanna, Lady Gaga, and One Direction. “Harry, you're on it.” I giggled, while looking over my shoulders, and pointing to One Direction record.

“Take me Home was the best selling album in the world” He stated, while hugging me from behind. “I feel like the next album, will be the best selling album in the whole universe.” He spoke, leaving chills through my spine.

“Fingers crossed.” I smiled, while looking up to Harry’s beautiful green eyes.

“Nathan and I will be right back.” Ariana demanded, while dragging Nathan behind her.

"Where are you guys going?" I questioned, while giggling towards Nathan face reaction.

"STARBUCKS!" Then they both yelled, while exiting the building.

Harry and I exchanged looks, running into the recording studio, where Ariana had rented for a few hours.  I entered the booth, where the microphone and few instruments were place, Harry sat on the other side, playing with the tabs on the board. I walked to the nearby piano, where I sat down playing simple keys, that I learned when I was 7 years old.

“Play something.” He grinned, while playing with the tabs, and looking over to me.

“Yeah, sing something.” Jones appeared, while sitting right by Harry , near the tabs.“Like what?” I waved to Jones, while looking over to Harry. “Wait I got it.” I started to play “Die in my arms”, by Justin Bieber in the keys of the piano. I hummed lightly, while still playing the keys softly.

Harry P.O.V-

I closed my eyes, listening to the beautiful keys on the piano, I nudged Jones' shoulder, and pointed to camera that was wrapped around his neck, “Record her.” I smiled, while playing with the tabs to match her voice. Jones walked in the booth, recording London playing the piano.

“So you love me

As much as I love you yeah

Would you hurt me baby

Could you do it to me yeah

Would you lie to me baby

Cause the truth hurts so much more

Would you do the things that drive me crazy

Leave my heart still at the door.” She began to sing, ignoring Jones's camera that was recording her.

London P.O.V-

"Oh, I can't help it I'm just selfish

There's no way that I could share you

That would break my heart to pieces

Honestly the truth is.” I sang with my high pitch near the microphone, smiling to Jones camera lightly, still singing to the words that was stuck in my head.

Jones P.O.V-

“You know,

This ain't the first time this has happened to me

It's a love sick thing

I like serious relationships and uh

A girl like me don't stay single for long

'Cause every time my boyfriend and I break up

My world is crushed and I'm all alone

The love bug crawls right back up and bites me!” She spoke to the microphone, while adding her little sweet tone to the song, and winking over to Harry.

Minutes Later:

“Baby Please don’t go boy.” London sang with her perfect high pitch tone. “No no no no no.” She finished ,  while covering the camera lens. “Why were you recording me?” She grinned, playing with her side curls, and looking up to me.

“Harry told me to.” I answered, while making my way out of the booth, and letting Harry in.


“Your something.” Harry smirked, while leaning against the door.

I walked towards him smiling big, “You think?”

“I know.” He grabbed my hand, rubbing it softly.  I looked through the window where Jones was still recording, I grabbed Harry’s two arms, while dragging him to twirl in circles with me.“I love you.” He grinned, while pulling me into a hug, and picking me up.

“I love you too.”I smiled against his lips, before being interrupted by Ariana’s loud voice from the speakers.

“Come on lovebirds, I need to record my song, get out!” Ariana joked, while giggling.

“You heard the boss.” Harry joked, while placing me over his shoulders, and walking out of the booth. “The booth is all yours, Queen Bee.” Harry smirked to Ariana, while placing me on the red coach safely.

“Your such a douche.” I joked, while jumping on to Harry’s back. “That’s why I love you.” I grinned, while kissing his side cheek.

“I'm your douche?” Harry joked, while twirling me in circles to get me dizzy. “You’ll die in my arms.” He chuckled of his own joke, while putting me down on the couch, and taking his seat right by me.

“Jones, stop recording!”I yelled, while looking over at Jones’ camera.

“This can be your first music video. “ Jones demanded, while looking at what he has recorded so far.

“A What?” I questioned, while covering my mouth in shock. “I can’t.” I demanded, while looking over to Harry.

“Why not?” Harry asked, while wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

“I’m an actor, not a singer.” I claimed, while standing up from the chair, throwing my hands up in the air.

“You can be both.” Jones added, while settling me down, next to Harry. “Have you ever heard of High School Musical?”  I nodded yes. “They are actors and singers.” He claimed, while grinning big.

“Correct!” Harry clapped his hands together, while giving a high five to Jones.

“But-” I tired to say, but got interrupted by Harry’s moist soft lips on mine.

“Not buts.” He grinned, “You're doing it.” Harry demanded.

The rest of the day, Jones recorded my every move for this short Die in your arms music video. I was just being myself, and enjoying being in the studio with Ariana, Nathan, Harry, Jones, and the producers. It was just a quick fun music video, explaining who I really am. A fun, goofy, talented young girl who is surrounded by amazing people in my life. Its everything I always wanted.

*15 VOTES* 




London. (Grande's Twin Sister) (UNDER BIG EDIT)Where stories live. Discover now