Chapter 30- Toulouse

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Chapter 30- Toulouse

London P.O.V-

The Next Day:

"That's a wrap for season one!!" The director yelled, while clapping his hands together.

"Wahooo!" I yelled, while hugging the cast in a group hug.

"Finishing a season in less than week has to be record." Jeanette added, while hugging us all tightly.

"Tell me about it." I joked, while bumping hips to Jeanette. " Ill text you later." I smiled, while giving another big hug before rushing towards Jones.

"It itches !" I pointed to the red wing, while Jones took it off nicely. "Thank you!" I smiled, giving him a quick hug .

"No problem, Have fun with Harry." He smiled, and waved goodbye from the distance, making my way to the trailer to change into my daily life clothing.

I changed into my black leggings, light fox knit ripped sweater, and white vans. I grabbed the car keys, and phone from the counter, making my way to my new white range rover. I heard screaming fans from the gate, I waved nicely, before entering the drivers seat. I added my sunglasses, turned on the radio, and made my way to Harry's hotel.

I parked my car to the side of the hotel, dialing Harrys number to my phone.

" I'll be right there." He noted, while hanging up. I decided to look through twitter, stalk a few people, until i felt a tap on the window. "Hey beautiful." He smiled, while opening the door, " Let me drive." He smirked.

"What's in it for me." I winked, while unbuckling the seat belt.

" A kiss and a surprise." He grinned.

I scoot over to the passenger seat, while Harry entered the drivers seat. Harry tilted my head to face him for a small peck on the lips. Harry then drove off, while I rubbed his small hand that was on my lap. We finally arrived to our destination, which was the Los Angeles Animal Shelter.

"What are we doing here?" I questioned, while looking out the window.

"We are volunteering." He grinned, while fixing his beanie into place, and making his way out of the car. I jumped out of the car, intertwining our hands together.

"Picking up poop, washing smelly animals, How romantic." I grinned, while swinging our hands to the entrance.

Harry and I were in shower duty. Harry grabbed the first tall black lamb, placed the lamb in the small pool thate the workers had left out for us. I started to spray the dog lightly with water, Harry added soap to scrub the dirt. I giggled to Harry's yuck face he had on. To get his attention, I sprayed a few drops of water to Harry's bennie.

"Having fun?"I grinned, starting again to spray the black lamb.

"Totally." He rolled his eyes, finishing the scrubbing. It was my turn to wait for the soap to disappear, by splashing buckets on the dog. "Hes Going to Blow!" Harry warned, while looking at the dog. I ran behind Harry, just right in time for the dog to shake the water off. "He Blew!" Harry chuckled.

After a few hours, Harry and I washed each dog in the shelter. Our work here was done, we started to make our way to the car, until I felt a hand grasp my wrist. I turned around to face Harry motioning me back to the Shelter, where the puppies were station. Harry and I made our way to the last cages to the right, where cream mixed golden retriever puppies were barking to get out. These were the same puppies I saw last time when I was here with Ariana.

"How did you know?"I turned to Harry, kneeling down to pet the puppies through the cage.

"I got my sources." He stated, while kneeling right by me, petting the rest of the puppies.

"They are so adorable!" I cried out, while giggling to the puppy who was licking my hand.

"Do you want one?" Harry asked, while looking over at me.

"Yeah, but they way too expensive to adopt."I stated, while standing up from the ground, cleaning my butt full of dirt.

"London, do you see that one?" Harry pointed to the puppy who was laying down, alone in the corner of the cage. I nodded yes, while looking at Harry all confused. " Its ours." He stated, while standing right by me.

"Ours?" I questioned even more confused then ever.

"I adopted him this morning, before we got here." Harry stated while wrapping his arm around my waist. " A little birdy told me, you really wanted a puppy." He smirked, while platting a small kiss on my cheek.

"Harry, This is amazing!" I screamed, while jumping into his arms full of happiness. "I love you so much." I pecked his lips a few times, kissing is my way to say thank you.

"I love you too." He cheeky smiled, while putting me back on the floor, to grab the puppy into my arms. "What should we name it?" He asked, while looking down at the puppy and I .

"Toulouse." I smiled, while platting a kiss on the puppies forehead, then on Harry's lips.


London. (Grande's Twin Sister) (UNDER BIG EDIT)Where stories live. Discover now