Chapter 62- What The F***

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Chapter 62- What The F***

*The Next Morning*

Harry P.O.V-

I sat on the cold bench, which was facing the small lake in central park. I was one simple yellow sunflowers in one hand, and a CD in the other. I sat there for a while, waiting for London to appear. I felt a soft tap on my shoulder, turning around I face the most beautiful girl in the world, London Johnson Grande.

“London.” I smiled, while standing from the bench, motioning her to take a seat.

“Thank you Harry.” London smiled, while taking a small seat on the bench, facing the lake.

“So you wanted to meet up.” I stated, while taking a quick seat by her, while tilting my head to face her side view. “Why?” I questioned, thinking about all the hatred she had towards me. “Why did you call me?”

“I wanted to talk about things.” She began, while looking over to the distance. “I overreacted, I’m sorry. “ She added, while putting her both hands in her coat pocket. “A Birdy told me, to forgive and forget.” She smiled, while tilting her head to face me. “Forgive and forget.” She repeated, while nodding her hand.

“Forgive and Forget.” I smiled, while wrapping my arm around the bench, behind London’s shoulder. I studied her features, still the same beautiful London. Those dimples, the way she smiled, and those big brown eyes; Beautiful as always. “So how’s the career going?” I questioned, snapping out of my daydreaming of London.

“It’s doing good.”She smiled, while biting the bottom half of her lip. “Right there got to #1.” She noted, while making me give her around applause. “Thank you, Thank you very much.” She giggled, while covering her mouth.

“I’m proud of you.” I added, while looking over to the distance. “How are you feeling?” I questioned, while remembering her puking back in the studio.

“I’m better.” She said. “It was the flu.” She stated, looking over to the distance.“It was a quick one.” She noted, while clicking her heels together. “How’s the new album going?” She smiled, while referring to the Midnight Memories Album

“Let’s just say, You were the inspiration.” I claimed, while grabbing the CD from my back pocket. “This is an early copy for you.” I noted, while passing her the CD. “And a sunflower.” I stated, while also passing the sunflower to her.

“Aw Thank you.” She grinned, while looking down at the CD and holding the sunflower close to her nose. “So which one is about me?” She chuckled, while looking at the back of the album.

“It’s pretty obvious London.” I noted, while running my hands through my quiff.“Story of my life... You and I. ...Strong…..Happily. Right Now…. Little Black Dress….. Something Great…. Better Than Words. ….Why Don’t We Go There.Does He Know. ...And Lastly Half A Heart.” I claimed, while pointing to each song title.

“Should have called the album London..” She chuckled, while tilting her head to face me. “Why is it called Midnight Memories?” She questioned, while smiling big.

“You’re a memory, I will never want to forget.” I stated, while looking into London’s beautiful brown eyes.

“Thank you.” She smiled, while kissing my cheek with her soft moist pink lips.

“Thank you for what?” I questioned, while feeling my cheeks turn bright red.

“For everything…” She began, while nodding. “You taught me so much. You taught how to love, how to smile, how to forgive.” She stated, while feeling her head on the back of my neck. “Thank you for pushing me to follow my dreams, Thank you for loving me.” She stated, while locking her eyes into mines.

“London, It was my pleasure.” I demanded, while rubbing her shoulders lightly. “I love you, I still do, I want you, you and I forever.” I determined, while holding on to her chin. “London, Believe me.” I added, while looking into her deep brown eyes.

“Harry…” She called my name, while grabbing my hand into hers, laying it over her cheek. “I miss you.. but I don’t know how to say this..” She began, making my eyes frown. “I’m..” She tired to say, until I felt her tears rolling down her cheek and onto my hands.

“London, What’s wrong?” I question, while pulling her into a tight hug. “London, please tell me.” I noted, while feeling her sniffles on my shoulder.

“Harry..” She called my name once more, adding sniffles and tears. “I’m pregnant…” She spoke, with a crack on her voice.

“You’re what?” I questioned, while facing her once more.

“Im-” She tired to say, until I decided interpreted.

“I know what I heard, but how?” I asked, while standing up from the bench, while running my hands through my quiff. “I mean, Is it mine?” I questioned, while pointing to my own chest, looking over to London’s head which nodded yes. “Wow.” I said, while taking a seat and looking over to the lake. “What are you going to do?” I questioned, while tilting my head to face her.

“What am I going to do?” She questioned,  “Me? “ She asked, making me nod yes. “Fuck you Harry.” She determined, while throwing the sunflower in my face. “I’m going to keep the baby, and you are going to live your boyband life..” She determined, while lifting up the album towards me. “This time I mean it, NEVER talk to me again.” She stated, while throwing the album in the lake. “And Harry, go fuck yourself.” She determined, while making her way out of my sight.


I stormed into the Hotel suite with anger running through my body. I started to throw some paper lyrics to the floor. I took off my shirt off and shrugged on my curls, to calm down. I felt tears rolling down my cheek. I was going to have a mental breakdown after all. I grabbed the guitar that was lying on the bed and banged it to the floor, until it broke into  million pieces.

“Fuck.” I wiped tears from my eye, picking up the small guitar broken pieces.

“Harry, Buddy, Calm down.” Niall and Louis came in , standing near the bed.

“London’s pregnant.” I cried out . Liam came perfect in time to hear the big news, The three boys stood there in shock. “It’s my baby..” I added, while taking a seat on corner of the bed.

“Harry-.” Louis tired to say, until I interputed.

“Just leave now.” I pointed to the door. Niall and Louis left, but Liam sat right by me.

“Everything is going to okay.” Liam determined,while rubbing my shoulders.

“This time, it’s not going to be okay..” I determined, while motioning him the door. “Just leave me alone.” I stated, while feeling Liam leave my side.

Next Morning:

I woke up from the burning sunshine. I decided to turn on the TV, to get my mind off of things.

“BREAKING NEWS: London Grande and Justin Bieber is expecting 1st  bundle of joy! Insiders say, “Justin and London were in total shock, but are looking forward to raise this baby like royalty.” Other Insiders say,”London is so happy and so in love with the fact of starting a family.” Congrats JB and Grande Family! More details to come !” The Enews announced.

What The Fuck...







London. (Grande's Twin Sister) (UNDER BIG EDIT)Where stories live. Discover now