Chapter 27- Sam£Cat

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London. P.O.V-

"I already found your roommate." Jeanette acted, while laughing lightly.

"Shut up, who is she?!" I acted.

"me!" Jeanette acted, I ran up to her a hugged her tightly.

"Omgod, it's the best day ever!" I yelled, while still hugging Jeanette tightly. "What are we having for dinner?" I questioned.

"I was thinking cheeseburgers!" Jeanette added, while pointing to the door.

"To inside-out-burger!" I yelled, pointing a finger up to the sky, and moving my hips in circles like a weirdo. "Wahoo!" I yelled.

"Yeah!" Jeanette added, while dancing along with me.

"Cut!" The director stated, while walking towards us, clapping his hands together. "London, Jeanette , that was episode one !" He stated, while punching his fist in the air.

"Jeanette, you did amazing." I smiled, while hugging her goodbye.

"London, you have true talent." She stated, while hugging me back. "I'll see you at the TCAs" she smiled, and walked into her trailer.

"London!" My manger, Jones called out.

"Hey Jones!" I smiled, while grabbing the water bottle from his hand, and taking a quick sip.

"Okay, you have a meeting with Dan in a few minutes." He read the packet in front of him, holding the door of trailer for me to enter.

"About what?" I questioned, while taking off the flats, and red wing, placing it on the head stander.

"The schedule." Jones added, while placing the wing neatly back.

"Alright." My voice cracked. I rushed into the bathroom, wiping off all the make up Cat had on. I changed into my leggings and pink tank top, adding my Indian boots . I tied my hair into a quick bun, walking back out to face Dan sitting on the table of trailer.

"London, please sit down. " he smiled, while placing papers to sign on the table. "This contract last 2 years. If the show goes well, you'll sign it again in two years." He stated.

"Alright. Twice a week, I have to be here?" I questioned, while reading the contract.

"Yes, you'll have an acting coach that will come over once a week." He stated, while passing me a pen. "Do you have any other Secret talents?"

"I sing, but that doesn't matter." I joked and signed the contract, passing him his fancy pen back.

"Like sing. Sing." He noted, while reading the contract again.

"Yes, but it's a sercet after all." I stated, while standing up from the table.

"Thank you Ms.Grande for your time." He smiled, and waved goodbye, leaving Jones and I to ourselves .

"I'm exhausted." I claimed, while texting Harry from my phone. "I will die for some Starbucks."

"Get your lazy butt up, and lets go!" Jones stretched his back and hit me playfully.

I grabbed my sunglasses, and purse, making my way to Jones' car. I put on my sunglasses, and covered my face from paparazzi in the front gate. I felt flashes hitting Jones' car, I placed my head down to my knees, trying to hind from the big crowd.

"They are gone." Jones noted, while looking at the road.

"Thank you." I smiled, turning the radio up, singing along to "The Way" by Ariana Grande.

"I love the way you make me feel, I love it, I love it." Jones sang, while his voice sounded like a dead puppy crying.

"Just stop." I turned down radio, covering my ears from the awful voice Jones had.

"If you think I suck, let me hear your horrible voice then." Jones added, while putting his sunglasses on, looking over at the road.

"Pick the song loser." I flicked him gently, and giggled.

"Let's do, Baby I by your sister." He stated, while parking the car near Starbucks.

I closed my eyes, humming lightly to baby I.

"Baby I got love for thee

So deep inside of me I don't know where to start

I love you more than anything

But the words cant even touch what's in my heart" I sang, with perfect high pitch notes. I opened one of my eyes, and saw Jones jaw dropped to the ground.

"London you sound like-" jones tired to say.

"Ariana , my sister. I already know that " I rolled my eyes, and made my way out of the car into Starbucks. Jones followed behind, still feeling speechless.

What can I say, the Grande sisters have the voice of an angel. It's a talent that no one should know. Ariana has the voice, Frankie dances, and I act.

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London. (Grande's Twin Sister) (UNDER BIG EDIT)Where stories live. Discover now