Chapter 41- Believe Tour

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Chapter 41- Believe Tour

*Believe Tour Is Here*

London P.O.V-

Harry and I sat in the empty bench in the side of the airport, with no words coming out of our mouths. We kept quiet, until Ariana told us we had to catch our flight soon enough.

“I really hate saying goodbye.” I recalled, wrapping my arms around his torso tightly.

“It’s more like a see you later beautiful.” He chuckled, while kissing the top of head.

“See you later?” I giggled into his chest, “I love you.” I stated, while standing in my tippy-toes to plant a small kiss on his moist lips.

“I love you more.” Harry’s cheeky smile appeared. He held my neck in place, looking very deep into my big brown eyes, and planting the most passionate kiss I have ever gotten. “See you later beautiful.”

Harry and I let go of each other's grasp, making my way behind Ariana, and Harry made his way to the exit. Ariana and I passed through security perfectly in time for the airplane to depart, which was to Georgia. I gave my ticket to the women who greeted Ariana and I with big smiles. Ariana and I made our way through the small aisle that lead to the airplane, until I heard my name be called from a voice I’ve heard many times.


Harry P.O.V-

“London!” I called out, rushing through the big crowds of people.

“Harry?” She questioned, making her way towards me. “I really hav-” London tired to say, until I interpreted.

“Listen up, London.” I began to say, clutching my jaw in place. “I need you to stay. Stay for me. Stay for Toulouse, and Stay for you.” I kept going, “I want you to stay, I mean I need you to stay.”  I yelled, grabbing her waist closer to me than ever. “Please just stay with me.” I begged, kissing her most perky pink lips.

“I love you, but I can't stay.” She claimed, making her way back to the aisle with Ariana and the crew. “Im sorry.” She mouthed, before entering the airplane.

I felt my eyes gaining tears, making me put on my dark black shades to cover my red puffy eyes from the paparazzi and fans. I made my way through the big crowds, rushing into my black range rover. I placed my head on the steering wheel, letting my tears roll down  my cheek. I felt the flashes surrounding around my car, I turned on the car, and drove off to the highway.


-Later That Night-

“My hands, your hands, tied up like two ships, drifting, weightless waves trying break it, I’d do anything to save it. Why is it so hard to save it?” I sang, streaming the guitar. I started to look at my reflection in the long mirror that was across from the bed. “ Im sorry if I said I need you, But I dont care, Im not scared of love.” I yelled, still streaming the guitar. “cause I'm not with you, I'm weaker. “ I sang while standing up from the bed, “Is that so wrong? Is It so wrong?” I questioned myself, while feelings tears rolling down my cheek.

“That you make me strong.” I said, while throwing the guitar on my bed, and taking off my shirt.

“You’re a hot mess.” Louis added, while taking a seat right by me.

“Tell me about it.” I mentioned, thinking through my negative thoughts of London and I. “What If this believe tour, makes London and I break apart?”

“This believe tour will not break you two apart, It will make you two strong." Louis added with a positive attitude.

“Thank you Love.” I winked, feeling a weight off my shoulder.“I’m just overreacting.” I nodded, making my way to grab my protein shake. “I just need to hear her voice.” I demanded, while grabbing my phone, and dialing London’s number into my Iphone.


London P.O.V-

“Make it pop like pink champagne, In the purple rain.” I began to sing, distracting myself from the yelling girls outside of the tour bus. “I'm gonna paint, paint, paint the city.” I added my high pitch, until steps interpreted my small cover of a song I just made up in my head.

“Sorry.” I heard a raspy voice come from behind , making me turn my face with confusion that Justin Bieber was in the tour bus.“Are you excited to perform tonight?” He questioned, thinking I was Ariana. Justin slide into the seat on the booth table, facing me.

“I’m London.” I added, while taking a small seat across from Justin. “The Twin sister.” I quoted, while grabbing a small cup of coffee.

“The other grande, who's dating 1/5 of One Direction.” He mentioned, while taking a sip of my untouched coffee cup. “Sorry about last time, I’m not really an asshole.” He added, while looking over to me.

“He has a name, Harry.” I added, while taking a small sip of my hot coffee. "So let me guess, you're not heartbroken anymore?" I questioned, while looking right into his cold eyes.

“Yes, Heartbreaks bring music to the table.” He stated.  “So you sing?” He questioned.

“Psh, no.” I lied, taking another sip of my coffee to avoid the question.

“I just heard you.” He stated, making me roll my eyes. “You're talented.” He added, while winking over to me.

“Listen up, Bieber.” I smiled, while studying Justin’s features. “You look like a plastic doll.” I joked, "And Stop with this fake act." I grinned, while crossing my arms onto my chest.

“You look like Ariana Grande.” He chuckled, standing up  from the table, and passing me the coffee mug I was drinking, "And this is not an act."

“Why are you even here?” I questioned, while leaning my back on the counter and looking up at Justin.

“I was supposed to find Ariana, and wish her good luck, but instead I found you, and that’s really it.” He smirked, while sitting on the top of the kitchen counter. “So, London Johnson Grande, Am I right?”

“Wow, you did the research. Stalker much.” I giggled, while cleaning the dishes that was left on the small sink.

“Grew up in Holmes Chapel, Adopted by The Johnson family, and didn't know she was a twin until she was in her teen years." Justin read into his phone, while looking over to me.

"Stalker." I giggled, flicking him with  my middle finger nicely. My phone began to ring in my back pocket, I just ignored it.

“You should answer that.” Justin smiled, while pointing to my butt.

I looked at the caller ID, realizing it was Harry. “It can wait.” I smiled, while clicking the end button. "And don't you even point to my ass ever again in your life again." I added.

*17 Votes for Next Chapter !!*




London. (Grande's Twin Sister) (UNDER BIG EDIT)Where stories live. Discover now