Chapter 17- Offical

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I wore the perfect light pink dress with my tall naked heels. I did the simple half up hair with curls and of course my bare make up. I started to play with my curls, looking around at the pictures on my bedroom walls. I started to trace the quote on the wall, "Story of my life" with my small fingers.

"Looking beautiful, Ms.Johnson." I heard a raspy tone behind me. I turned around and face the handsome Harry styles wearing a white V neck with a red stripe sweater, dark ripped jeans and his famous brown boots, leaning against the doorframe.

"Nice Hair." I pointed to the quiff, and grabbed my black coat from the wooden chair.

"Where are you taking me?" I questioned ,walking out of the house and into his black range rover.

"Its a surprise." He stated while helping me inside his car and him taking the driver seat.

"I really hate surprises." I giggled and laid my head against the window. I felt Harry grabbing my left hand , while driving. I smiled to our hands and looked outside the window.

We finally arrived to our destination, and flashes surround the range rover. Harry got out of the car and helped me out. He grabbed my hand and started to lead the way. I looked at the ground and tightly grasp Harry's hand. The paparazzi were out of control and taking millions of unexpected pictures of Harry and I . Harry and I finally got indoor and a friendly gentleman grabbed our coats.

"Very Fancy." I sated, looking around at the fancy people drinking their glass of wine.

"I know." He smiled while grabbing my small waist, leading me to the table full of people. "Hey everyone!" Harry waved to the boys and their girlfriends. I waved awkwardly to everyone and took my seat right next to Harry and Liam.

"Your London right?" Liam asked while taking a sip of his wine.

"Yes, and you must be Liam?" I smiled, watching Liam pouring me a glass of wine. He nods and I thanked him for the glass of wine.

"I'm Sophia , Liam's girlfriend." She introduced herself with a small attitude.

"Nice to meet you too." I smiled, while looking over at Harry .

"London this is Zayn, Perrie, Niall, Louis, and Eleanor." He introduced me to the whole table.

"Nice to meet you all. It a pleasure ." I smiled and waved to each and one of them .

He came closer to my face and grinned his teeth together. "What will you like love?"

"I can go for watermelon." I read the menu and felt Harry's arm around my chair.

"I heard that Watermelon is very healthy." Harry had a yuck face and chuckled.

"Healthy isn't bad. " I smiled and kissed his lips lightly.

"You're beautiful. " He rubbed my shoulders lightly and smiled against my lips.

"I really need a girlfriend." Niall added and all of us laughed. All of us ordered our dinner and started talking of each other's life. I learned a lot of the boys and girls, they were all so talented and just regular normal people.Harry ordered his spaghetti and I ordered my simple watermelon in a little bowl.

"This is so good." Niall moaned while taking a bite of his steak.

Harry stole a piece of my watermelon from my plate and looked over at me. " Watermelon and I have an amazing relationship, dont ruin it. " I giggled while eating the last piece of watermelon from the plate.

"Tell Watermelon that I'm going to ruin the relationship. " He joked, while taking his last bite of his spaghetti.

"Its on me !" Niall took the bill out of Waiter's hand. Harry threw a 50 dollar bill at Niall.

"Not Everything, Niall." Harry stretched his arms and stood up from the chair.

I grabbed Harry's both hands and intertwined our fingers together.

"Lovebirds, PDA is not allowed." Louis stated while grabbing Eleanor's hand and dragging her out of the restaurant. Harry and I entered the range rover. We felt a tap on the back door, looking back it was Niall trying to car pool with us .

"Riding with you two , If you guys don't mind?" He questioned while sitting in the back seat of the car.

"Its okay Niall. " I smiled and turned on the radio . Miley Cyrus's new song wrecking ball started to play. "I love this song." I hummed to the beginning. Niall started to sing the beginning, while looking outside the window. Harry sang the 2nd part with his strong vocal chords.

"I came in like a wrecking ball, I never hit so hard in love, All I wanted was to break your walls,All you ever did was wreck me." I sang with the undercover Voice. Harry turned down the radio and looked at my strangely.

"Keep your eyes on the road." I giggled and pointed forward

"Your voice is amazing." Harry laid his hand on my lap and started to run my thigh

"Just like your sister." Niall added while landing his hand on my shoulder .

"Not at all. My sister is the talented one." I chuckled.

It took about three hours to arrive to our destination, the club in London.The car ride was a time to really get to know Niall and Harry better. Niall is such a funny, friendly guy who really deserve a unique girl. Harry is a very hopeless romantic, It was adorable. Harry and I walked out of the car holding hands, while Niall was standing right beside me. We all walked inside , trying to find the other boys and girls. We finally arrived to the booth where everyone was taking their quick shots.

"PARTY HERE!" Niall yelled , grabbing two shots for Harry and I . Harry refused and I took the two shots with Niall after all. Niall and I took shots after shots,until i felt a little tipsy. Niall went to the dance floor to meet new people. Liam and Sophia were sucking each others faces in the corner. Louis and Eleanor joined Niall in the dance floor. Zayn and Perrie went to hang out in the bar. Harry and I were sitting in the booth, admiring each others present.

I took a sip of Harry's beer, until Harry came closer to my ear."I want you to be mine." Harry whispered , while wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I thought I was already yours." I giggled, playing with Harry's large hands.

"I just wanted to make sure." He smirked, while looking deep into my eyes.

"Your sure now?" I kissed his lips gently and smiled against his lips. He nodded yes, ordering another glass of wine for me. "I never dated a celebrity, How does this work?" I started to giggle, Harry joined.

"Just be yourself, because I like you for you." He kissed my lips once more, " We have a three hour ride back home, Do you want to head out?" Harry Smiled , motioning to the exit.

"Yes." We said our goodbyes to the boys and walked out to the cold London air. Harry led the way to the car, While paparazzi were taking quick pictures of us two.

"London, Are you liking London?" One guy asked.

"It's beautiful." I smiled to the camera.

"Harry, How's the boys?" Another asked.

"They are good." He waved to camera and walked slower, for me to catch up. Harry grabbed my small hand tightly, to make the speed of these heels go quicker.

"Harry, are you guys dating?" One asked. Harry nodded yes and helped me to enter the car. "Have fun tonight guys." The paparazzi added.

"Thank you." Harry entered the Driver's seat and drove off imdently. "That wasn't so bad?" Harry chuckled, while focusing on the highway.

"They are nice." I smiled and looked outside the window. For the next three hours, Harry and I sang along to hit songs and talked about funny childhood memories. It was just two regular people, trying to get to know each other better. Harry stopped the car in front of my homes chapel home, and looked at me.

"Goodnight London." Harry smiled, while pecking my lips lightly.

"Goodnight Harry." I smiled against his lips and kissed him once more, before exiting the range rover. I tippy toed upstairs, and entered my bedroom. I changed into my shorts and sweater , jumped into bed for a good night's sleep.

*Happy Holidays !

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