Chapter 39- To the Moon and Back

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Chapter 39-  To the Moon and Back

*2 Days Before Believe Tour*

-Later That Night-

London P.O.V-

Harry and I decided to go for a long night walk with Toulouse.  We decided to take the long way to the Santa Monica Pier. We intertwined our hands, and Harry held  onto Toulouse’s blue leash.We walked through the a dog park nearby, for the short cut to the Santa Monica Pier.

“Harry.” I called out, while taking my phone to record  his weird movements.“Can you say-” I tired to speak, until I got interupted by Harry falling in purpose on to the green grass. “What are doing?” I questioned, still recording his every move.

“I'm making grass angles.” He chuckled, while making snow angels on the grass, so therefore ‘Grass Angles’.

“Harry Styles, Everybody.” I giggled, while clicking the end button to stop the recording. “Your weird, did you know that?” I joked, while watching Toulouse jump on his stomach.

“I know, but you love it.” He grinned, while lifting his arm for help. I extended my arm for his grasp, until he pulled me down to the grass. “I got you there.” He chuckled, while kissing my cheek a few times.

“Very Funny, Styles.” I giggled, while tilting my head to face him. “I can’t believe you thought I was Ariana.”

“I can’t believe that either.” Harry laughed, while holding on to my waist “Ariana and you look so alike, but act so different.” He stated. “In a good way.” He chuckled, while nibbling into my ear.

“I thought you were the cutest from all the boys.” I confused, while standing up from his lap, and pulling him up.”It was that grin, and those beautiful bright green eyes.” I stated, while running my hands through his quiff.

“Im glad I won your heart.” He stated, while swinging our hands,  and holding onto his chest. “I love you to that moon and back.” He pointed to sky, where the full bright moon stood.

“Thats it?” I joked, while giggling to myself. “The pier looks pretty full. .” I stated, while pointing to the pier.

“Shades on.” He stated, while pulling his dark sunglasses.

I jumped on his back for a piggyback ride, “Come on horsey.” I joked, giving him a light tap on his bum.

Harry made his way up the pier, where regular day people were spending their time with friends and families. I held on to Harry’s shoulder, planting a small kiss on his cheek. Harry lead the way under the Pier, which was a small beach hidden. I could hear the soft waves crashing shore, and people laughing from the top of the pier. Toulouse laid on the cold sand, watching the beautiful view of the boat’s lights.

“It’s beautiful.” I smiled, while biting the bottom of my lip, watching the waves crash to shore. “How did you know about this hidden beach?” I questioned, while pulling his shades off his eyes.

“I use to run away, write songs down here, and just spend me time.” He grinned, while watching the waves crash the shore. “I want this night to never end.” Harry stated, while taking a seat on the cold sand.

“Can I just take you with me, You can hide in my suitcase. ” I joked, while taking a seat right in between Harry’s legs, watching the waves along with him and Toulouse.

“I feel like I wouldnt fit.” Harry laughed, wrapping his arm around my waist. “Why dont you just stay with me forever.” He began, by mumbling in my ear. “Skip the Believe Tour, and Come on tour with the boys and I.”

“I thought we talked about this Harry.”I snapped, while rolling my eyes, and facing him instead on the ocean.

“But-” He tired to say, until I stopped him.

“No buts. You have to understand the reality.” I remarked, by putting my hands on his chest, and looking into those simple green eyes of his. “I can’t be with you everyday of my life.” I stated, while looking deeper into his eyes, feeling the pain he’s feeling of me leaving.

“Reality sucks ass.” Harry added, while grabbing my hand, and rubbing the back of it lightly.

“ I’m not ready to leave California.” I added, while titling Harry’s head to face me.

“Or you're just not ready to leave me.” He joked, while raising his eyebrows, “London, you have to understand reality sucks ass.” He mimicked.

“You suck ass.” I joked, while hitting him playfully on the chest. “I love you.” I smiled, while wrapping my hands around his neck.

“To the moon and back?” He questioned, while comer closer to my lips.

“To the moon and back.” I stated, while crashing my lips against his soft perky lips.





London. (Grande's Twin Sister) (UNDER BIG EDIT)Where stories live. Discover now