Chapter 58- AMA After Party

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Chapter 58- AMA After Party

London P.O.V-

***WARNING: Sexual intercourse***

*Later That Night*

I changed into my high waisted sunflower skirt, adding a plain white tanktop, and tall white casual heels. I curled my hair back in place, retouching my bare makeup and lipgloss. I looked into the mirror, trying to carry a smile to myself, until I called Justin over to the bathroom.

"Justin." I yelled, hearing his footsteps coming closer, which ended up on the doorframe.

His eyes widen and jaw dropped , "You look beautiful like always." He smiled, hugging me from behind, leaving small trails of kissed on my neck.

"I love you. " I smiled, while turning around to face him , "Because of you, I learned how to love again." I stated, while intertwining our hands together.

"Because of you, I have the smile on my face everyday." Justin smiled, with his small dimples showing in the side of his cheek. "I really don't want to leave you.." Justin frowned, while leading me into the bedroom, where he has his big duffel bags packed to go back on tour.

"Just stay with me forever." I smiled, while taking a small seat on the bed, while adding my white classic high heels. "We can cuddle, and you know." I giggled, while giving him my slight wink.

"You're killing me." He joked, while planting a small peck. "I'll see you on Thanksgiving." He demanded, while grabbing his duffel bag, and exiting the room, making his way into the car, to catch his ride to the airport.

I grabbed my white cross over purse, adding my last essentials for tonight's big party, which was Miley Cyrus' 21 ! I made my way down the stairs, and into the limo, where Frankie and Ariana have been waiting.

"Let's Party!!!" Frankie yelled, while popping a bottle of champagne. "This glass is for your award!" He yelled, while passing Ariana and I a glass of champagne.

"Cheers!" I smiled, while taking little sips.


"London, Congratulation on your win!" Niall yelled, while watching me walk in the club.

"Thank you so much Niall!" I smiled, while pulling him into a tight grasp. "I've missed you." I stated, while looking up to him

"Me too!" He yelled on top of the music, motioning me to the bar, "These two shots is for you!" He yelled, while passing me a tequila shot, making me chug it into my system.

"London!" Miley interrupted, while holding three shots in her hands, while passing one to Niall and I. . " This is for your wins and my birthday!" She yelled, while dancing in place.

"Happy Birthday Smilerz!" I hugged her tight , looking around the club to find Ariana and Frankie, who were sitting in the top booths. "Niall, I'll see you around." I stated, while making my way to the booth, sliding right by Ariana."Beer!" I smiled, while taking a quick sip of Frankie's mug.

"Dont drink that much, or you'll do something that you will regret!" Ariana joked, while hitting me playfully on the arm.

"I just had two shots and a sip of beer.." I giggled, while rolling my eyes to Ariana. "So calm down."

"Harry's here." Ariana whispered in my ear lightly . I looked over to my left , watching Harry and Zayn drinking in the bar.

"Im going to grab some drinks, does anyone want some?" I asked. Everyone nodded no and I made my way to the bar right next to Harry. "Hey Harry , Zayn." I waved and ordered my shots to the bartender.

London. (Grande's Twin Sister) (UNDER BIG EDIT)Where stories live. Discover now