Chapter 6- Oh Brother

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Chapter 6- 

-Joan Grande P.O.V- 

I woke up and made myself a warm black coffee in the Hotel suite.  I went to the balcony and saw the beautiful view of Homes Chapel. I started to think..... way back.. 19 years ago back.... 

June 26,1993 at 5:12, Ariana Grande-Butera was born. 

June 26,1993 at 5:14, London Grande-Butera was born. 

My beautiful twin daughters were born. 

I still remember the day I held both of them in each arm. It was like yesterday. 

The real question is, Why did i give up London ?

London Grande-Butera had many of medical problems according to doctors. Doctor's said that London wouldn't survive because of this rare heart condition. Frankie and the twins were too much to handle because Edward and I had lots of money problems. I wanted the best for London, so therefore giving London all the medical treatment she deserves to survive.  The Johnson family came along and  adopted my beautiful London.  

Edward and I never told Ariana or Frankie about London because we felt like it would effect them too much. We didn't want to give the wrong facts about London's life , so therefore we kept quite.I never expected Ariana and London will ever be reunite after 19 years. It was faith after all.

-Luke Johnson P.O.V-

Lacrosse practice was over. I eventually got home and my parents were working and London was sleeping.

I decided to wake up London, it was noon and she got home late last night because of prom. I opened her bedroom door and saw her laying down on the bed. I decided to lay on top of her with  all my sweat. 

"AHHH!!!" London (Ariana) yelled. "Get OFF ME NOW !" She yelled. 

"LUKE ! get off of her !" A London look alike demanded and slapped the back of my head. 

"WOW. Why am I seeing two London." I questioned. Looking back and forth between the girls. 

" Dumb ass. This is Ariana." London answered, pointing at Ariana on the bed. 

"Omgod. You guys look so alike its so scary." I noted while hitting my forehead to wake up. 

"Really because I'm  kinda her twin sister. " Ariana added very scaristicly . 

" YOUR ARIANA GRANDE."My eyes widen. "I'm Luke Johnson , London's older brother and I will be leaving now. Nice to meet you Ariana." I mumbled very quickly.Leaving , I stopped in front of London, "How are YOU related to such a beauty." I laughed my way to my room. 

London P.O.V- 

I rolled my eyes and hit the back of Luke's head again. 

"Sorry about Luke. He's a true dork." I noted and then rolled my eyes.

" Its Okay. He's actually pretty cute." Ariana added. 

" EW." I said in yuck. "He's my brother !" 

"Not your blood brother nor mine. " She winked while getting off the bed and checking herself in the mirror. 

"Gross. I think i puked all of food and drinks from last night." I warned, while holding my stomach. 

"So I'm cute?" Luke opened the door and winked at Ariana.

"GET OUT!" I screamed, while throwing a pillow at Luke. 

Luke catches the pillow and threw it right at me. "I'm cute." He said dancing in one place. 

The whole day was full of laughter and fun. 

London. (Grande's Twin Sister) (UNDER BIG EDIT)Where stories live. Discover now