Chapter 10 Hear Thy Voice, Alice

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//Alice POV//

---Three Hours Later---

"...Oh, for fuck sake...Wake up, brat!" Alice slowly opens her eyes...seeing a shoulder...someone was carrying her...she realized she was on a horse...and it was her mother that was carrying her.

Mom...what is she saying to me...? Alice thought...still tired out from transforming into Titan earlier as they escaped.

"I'm not your mother, brat...Just listen..." it was a female she has never heard of before. It was like an echo on the back of her head.

Who are you...? Alice asked.

"...hmm...searching your memories...I never thought you are this remind me of Eren." The voice said.

H-How do you know about my father...? Alice asked as she slowly lifts her head back. Spotting her father on another horse and Rin on another one...but no sign of her best friend...J-Johnny...where is he?!

"Safe, I awoken to see him part ways with you four...he gave you a kiss on the forehead..." the voice told her and Alice's cheeks turn a bit red. "Now...back to the did he say it before...I am a creature of desires...hate, fear, lust...blah blah blah...I'm a voice in your head, got it? I just happen to be kicked into your head...our head now..."

My head?! And what do you mean kicked into my head? Who forced you? Alice asked as she closed her eyes as she still feels light headed.

"Don't know...all I saw was...flames. A voice...a old friend...I thought it was...until he explained that he was dead...died the same way I did..." the voice said with a was sad. did you die? Alice asked.

"...easy...I took the bullet...or save your father." The voice said.

//Eren POV//

"Mikasa, how's Alice?" Eren called out to his wife who had holding their daughter on her back as they rode on the horse.

"She's breathing well now...she should wake up soon." Mikasa told Eren as they finally slow down as they were finally far away from the wall after sneaking around.

"How are you feeling, love?" Eren asked.

"I'm fine...I wasn't harmed...but...I know that was Steve now...but what he told me in the wasn't just Steve talking...whoever Yeorgi was...he knows about our past, Eren. He knows about that night..." Mikasa told her husband. Eren stared at his wife in disbelief.

"What else did he say?"

"...if I was the one who killed the man in the back...if I was the one who stabbed him in the heart." Mikasa said with a shaky voice.

"" their attention turns to Alice who was sitting up and now awake.

"Alice!" Mikasa and Eren cried out happily. Glad that she is alright and awake.

"...Is Johnny alright...he left...where he he safe?" Alice asked as Eren had his horse move closer.

"Just rest, need to rest. You spent too much time in your titan form." Mikasa told her daughter.

"...I can't...Dad..." Alice turns her head to look at Eren.

"Yes, honey?" Eren said softly and leans towards her while they continue to down the hill.

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