Chapter 13

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//Eren POV//

---2 Hours later, 4 Miles Out of the Hospital---

"This is the place..." Eren tells Mikasa, Ymir, and Rin as they arrived to a large forest. But Eren quickly recognized the area...after all these years; he could remember this forest because of his old nightmares.

" you remember this forest?" Eren turn to see his wife staring at him worried.

"Stop worrying about me, Mikasa. I can handle it...alright?" Eren rolled his eyes but he felt a bit bad for being rude. The memories of the fight here and the nightmares were all in his head again.

"Right...I'm sorry, Eren." Mikasa nodded.

"...Crap...Mikasa, I'm sorry for being a bit rude." Eren apologized to her as he hugs her from behind while the others walked into the massive forest.

"It's alright, Eren. You are easily angered...I did it to make you owe me a favor." Mikasa smirked and Eren stared eyes wide.

"Oh...a favor, eh?" Eren smirked back and kisses her neck. His hands roaming and rubbing on her hips and belly.

"...Ere...ha...ha...Eren..." Mikasa was panting. "...Wait...we can't, not here..."

"...Right, sorry." Eren smiled and kissed her neck before pulling away.

"Come on; let's catch up with the others." Mikasa holds his hand and they move quickly to catch up with Rin and Ymir.

They caught up to the others but...not at the sight they were in. They look up to see the both of them up in the air trapped in a net. Rin was yelling around trying to get out of the trap and Ymir was simply yelling at him to shut up.

"Guys!" Eren shouted to get their attention. "What the hell happen?! We were just back away for a few seconds!"

"We were just walking and this happen-!" Rin stops yelling when they heard twigs snapping. Eren turns to see men with rifles...dressed in green cloaks of the Survey Corps.

"Crap..." Mikasa growled as they both pulled out their blades but-

"ROOOOAAAR!!" they turn around by the massive roar and sees a massive Titan jump and land in front of Eren and Mikasa. They realized it was their daughter's Titan form, Alice.

"How did Alice find us? I thought she was with Shiemi and the others?!" Eren said with eyes wide.

"We'll ask later...those men look terrified to see her in her Titan form." Mikasa told him as she walks forward. "Alice! Come here this instance!"

"Rrrr...." Alice looks down to her mother. He swore he saw her gulp as Mikasa stared at her motionless.

"Get. Down. Here. Now." Mikasa's tone was very dark was sending chills on everyone's spines. But Alice was listening and falls to the floor, her nape bursting out steam. Alice's human form appears coming out of the nape.

"But Mom-"

"How did you know where we were to stay with your brother?" Mikasa stops her.

"You need my help as well! And how I got here..." Alice looks towards the armed men lowering their guns. "...A-Annie told me where to find you. She said she could sense Eren and Ymir to where you all were."

"...Don't worry about them, Alice. Pixis has sent them to retrieve us." Eren told his daughter as she weakly hops down. Eren watches Mikasa helps her stand, his attention turns to the men. "Pixis sent you to pick us up to see him, didn't he?"

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