Chapter 21 Fight! Part 1

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//Eren POV//

Here's your birthday...present!! Eren thought out as he picks out a pieces of wood from a house he landed on. He swings it at Deimos's head and it impacts. The pieces becoming more pieces as it exploded on his face.

"It will take more than wood to-"Deimos did not finish his sentence as Eren delivered an uppercut to his face. Sending him flying through another building, a church and he tackles him through it more, destroying the church completely.

If I remember aren't the best fighter...I dealt with people better at fighting than you. Eren taunted as he throws Deimos to the floor.

"No...I fought better people than you, Eren Jaeger. People that shown true power...the gods are powerful, yes...but they. Are. Cowards!" Deimos roared as he stood up and tackles Eren through debris and buildings.

That's better! Now this is a fight! Eren thought insanely as his titan instincts were fighting for control and his body ignites, his skin turns darker and cracks began to show up in his body that spilled flames coming out.

//No Ones POV//

The guards were keeping watch of all the exits, knowing that Alice Jaeger has escaped. One group was keeping watch while the others went looking for the prisoner, who their leader, Deimos and the King ordered to guard the other prisoner, John or named Johnny. Knowing that she will come for him and-



The exit a couple of guards were guarding was smashed down and a small yet giant Titan appeared. Smashing and killing most of them in the process of entering. This Titan was indeed the Dancing Titan, also known as Ymir Kristen.

//Ymir POV//

Ok...time to find Alice...I can't do that while in Titan form. Ymir thought as she removed herself from her Titan form.

"Alice! Where are you?!" Ymir shouted as she took a sword from a dead soldier.

"Ymir!" She turns around alarmed to the sound of a male voice. But relaxed and felt so happy to see her husband once again. She lowers her weapon and runs to Jean.

"Jean!" Ymir cried out as he catches her in his arms.

"Are you alright?" Jean asked.

"I'm looking for Johnny and Alice." Ymir told her.

"The cells and chambers are through that door." Jean pointed to the open door.

"You, stop right there!" Jean and Ymir turn to see three guards approaching to their direction.

"I'll handle them." Ymir began to walk forward but was stopped by Jean placing a hand on her shoulder.

"No. I'll handle them, you need to get Alice." Jean said as he pulled out two 3DM Gear blades. "You need to save your strength."

"...Damn it..." Ymir cursed but had to agree to her husband. Getting in wouldn't be a problem...but getting out requires her to use her new found powers. "Don't you die on me...I expect dinner from you on our next date."

"You know go!" Jean told her as he ran towards the guards and Ymir ran to the door. Not looking back, hoping that her husband will be alright.

//Alice POV//

---Somewhere In The Cell---

"Johnny!" Alice cried out as she has finally found her boyfriend. He was in a cell with other prisoners. But these weren't normal prisoners. There were children, women and men who appeared to be husbands, fathers, grandfathers. Johnny was calming a small family of three but stopped at the sound of Alice's voice.

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