Chapter 16 Names Starts With a 'A'

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//Eren POV//


"No!" Eren shouted as he stands back up. Grabbing Mikasa before she jumped into the fire. "Mikasa! Wait! You'll die if you enter...we have to wait until the fire lowers down for us to go in!"

"Eren, let go of me!" Mikasa cried out as she struggled to escape his grasp. But he held her. "Alice needs us!"

"I know she does! But we rush through...we'll never make to her is we just jump into there!" Eren told her.

"I'll two wait a second or two while I clear some of the flames." Rin told them as he ignited once again and flies away. Blasting the red flames away with his own flames. Clearing a path for Mikasa and Eren.

"I'm going ahead, Eren." Mikasa told Eren. Seeing the 3DM Gear cords shoot and sends her flying away.

"Mikasa! Wait!" Eren shouted but she was already gone. Leaving Eren without a Gear. "Dammit!"

Think Eren...I can't run to get there in time...Eren thought and looks at his hand. I'll get there in time if I transform...but what if I can't control myself?

"..." Eren took a moment of silence until he grids his teeth together.

Screw it...I got no choice...Alice and Mikasa are in danger! Eren thought as he raised his hand to his mouth and bit hard till he drew blood. Transforming at the thought of catching up to his wife and daughter. one hurts them! I won't allow them to be harm!

"RAAAHHHHHHH!!!" Eren titan form raised his head as the transformation was over and roars into the sky. A successful transformation as he is in full control and starts to run.

Eren could hear more sounds of explosions up front so he picks up speed. He hasn't ran this fast except for the fight against the Female Titan in Wall Sina or the Armored Titan when Reiner kidnapped Mikasa. Eren could see the explosions so he grabs a fallen tree small enough for him to lift. Using it as a shield to soften the force of the explosions if he gets hit. He rolls to dodge when a few explosions hit nearby him. He knew he was getting close to the camp and finally sees it a few meters ahead. He jumps, escaping an explosion that would have taken his titan legs and lands into the camp. He looks around as he moves but doesn't see Alice or Mikasa in sight.

Mikasa! Alice! Eren cried out as he kept looking. But stops when he is hit by an extreme temperature of heat. He turns to see 5 humanoids like demons like the demon Rin fought earlier. All looking the same as Eren sees them.

"ROOOOAAAARRR!!" Eren roared as the 5 demons fly towards him and began to attack Eren. He felt like he was fighting flies but that can shoot acid like fire.

//Alice POV//

The first thing she heard was the shouting as she sat the table eating her food. Then came the explosion that blew her away and lands through the window of Pixis's cabin.

"Oww...." Alice groans as she sits up and brushes off the glass that landed on her. Standing up, she could hear the explosions and realized they were being attacked. And her parents were still out there.

I'm still weak to transform...Dad must have recovered already to transform...but I can't. Damn it! Alice thought as she kicks the door down and runs outside. Ducking at the sound of explosions besides her.

"Alice! Get down!" she hears a shout and feels someone tackle her and sees the explosion, tables tore apart by the blast a few feet away from her. The person who saved her stands and helps her up. She realized it was Johnny, wearing a brown color type of the Scout clothing and have his hood on. In his hand was a bow and the bag filled with arrows rest on his back. He reminded her of her Aunt Sasha.

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