Chapter 3

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Brantley's pov

Miranda walks downstairs and grabs a muffin and hugs mama. "B, please don't be mad at me." She says. I glare at the table. "I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at him." "There's no reason to be mad! Why are you mad at him?" I stand up furious. "You're my sister! He's my best friend... Or was my best friend!" Her eyes go wide.

Jason's pov

Brantley just doesn't get it. I love her and that's not gonna change. She runs back in here, crying. She lays on her bed crying. I bite my lip and walk over. "Hey sugar, I'm guessing it didn't go well?" "Ya think!" I sigh and sit beside her. She sits up and hugs me. "I'm sorry Jason. I ruined your friendship with my brother!" "No you didn't! He'll come around. He's just gotta get used to us." "He won't. B's too stubborn. He'll never forgive us." She shakily stands up. What do I do? "I can't do this. I'm sorry. You were right. I'm only the younger sister." Wait?! What?! I stand up and cross the room. "W-What are y-you talking about?" She turns around, her face red from crying. "I'm sorry Jason, I love you too much to let you lose your friend." I'm about to freak out here. "You're n-not breaking up with me are you?" "I have to." She hugs me again. "I'll miss you." "No! Don't! I don't care about him! I care about you!" "You'll always be my first love." She says, shocking me. She's really doing it! She's breaking up with me! Because of Brantley! My hand's shaking as I rest it on her cheek. "Please... Don't do this. I love you!" "I love you too. That's why I have to. Please don't hate me." I wipe the tears from her beautiful blue eyes. "I-I couldn't hate you if I tried." I pull her into a hug, trying not to cry myself. "This..... Won't be...... Forgotten..... You'll..... You'll always be the girl I love." She cries against my shoulder.

*three days later*

Brantley's pov

That's weird. I haven't seen my sister or Jason in a while! Where did they go? They better not have run off together. I drive over to his house, gripping the steering wheel tight. He and his dad were sitting on the porch. "It'll get better son." His dad says. I close the door confused. What's going on? He looks over, looking pissed. "What's up?" I ask, walking over, my hands in my pockets. His dad goes inside. "I don't wanna talk about it." He mutters, looking away. "Well, is Miranda here? I haven't seen her for a couple days." He stands up quickly. "What? She's not at home?!" I shake my head. "I figured she was over here hanging with you!" I gasp, caught off guard. He glares at me. "No. We broke up three days ago. She didn't want our relationship to come between my friendship with you." I'm shocked. "You're kidding!" "No." He goes inside and grabs his phone. I follow him. "Sweetheart where are you? Answer your phone and call me when you get this." He lowers the phone. "When was the last time you saw her?" "Two days ago." I say, confused. "Do you know what's going on?" He stares at the ground thinking. "I wish she'd answer her damn phone." He mumbles rubbing his chin. I still can't believe they broke up. I never saw that coming when I came over to talk to her. He tries calling her again but she still doesn't answer. "Do you know where she might've gone?" I shakily ask. He looks right at me furious. "No but you can bet your Harley Davidson I'll find that stubborn ass camo queen." He grabs his boots and pockets his charger. "Keep tryin' to call her." He says, putting his hat on.

Jason's pov

I can't believe she's been missing! I run out the door and got on my four wheeler. Brantley runs out seconds later. "What should I do?" He shouts. I take a deep breath trying not to be pissed. "Well for starters, when I do find her, you better get used to us dating, cause I ain't lettin' her break up with me over you." I mutter pointing at him. I get back on the four wheeler and drive to her favorite place, thr trainyard. I park and call her name. Then I try calling her phone. No answer on each. I leave a voicemail. "Please sugar answer your damn phone, I'm scared out of my mind! Where are you? Call me as soon as you get this. It's an emergency." My hands are shaking. I pace back and forth freaked out and not sure what to do next. I drive back to her house. Maybe she left some kind of clue telling me where she went. When I get there, Mrs. Becky is crying at the table. Man, this is serious. I walk over and hug her. "We'll find her Mrs. Becky. I won't stop looking." I run up to her room and search for any kind of clue. I open her closet to see if she took clothes with her and I stumble back in horror. "Sugar, no!" I yell. She hung herself in her closet!! I cut the rope with my knife and catch her in my arms. "Oh my God! No! Wake up!" Her head rests in my lap. "Sweetheart please please wake up." I shakily gasp. She suddenly takes a deep breath bringing tears to my eyes as she opens hers. "Mrs. Becky call an ambulance!" I scream. "Jason?" "Yeah princess, it's me. Don't you ever scare me like that again!" I shakily stand up, holding her in my arms. Brantley walks through the door. "What the?" "She hung herself in her closet." His jaw drops. "No." "Yeah. I found her." He backs up and hits the wall shocked. I lay her on the couch. "Stay awake hun." "My head..... Hurts." She mumbles, closing her eyes again. "Don't you quit on me dammit!" I shout, making her sit up and kissing her gently. Her hand lands on the back of my neck. I found her. She's alive. I can't believe she almost killed herself over me.

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