Chapter 16

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Jason's pov

Us guys were hanging out and working on songwriting. Thomas finally got his butt up here with his girl Lauren. I lay down on the couch, bored. I'm not too into this right now. All I can think about is my girl and my little boy. I think I'm gonna go home to them. "Hey guys I'll be seein' ya." I say, waving. I head home. She's at the kitchen table reading a book to Josh. I put a finger to my lip's telling Josh to be quiet. Hr covers his mouth to keep from laughing. I cover her eyes with my hands and she stops reading caught off guard. "Had fun with the boys?" She asks. Darn it. "Dang how do you always know?" She laughs. "One you're the only one that does that and two who else would come in here?" I laugh. "Ya got me there princess." "Well I'm gonna get Josh laid down. You can start on dinner." "You got it, hun."

Miranda's pov

I take Josh upstairs and run his bath. "Daddy's funny." He says. "Yes he is. He's my funny man." Lord I'm lucky he's mine. "Can we go to uncle B's house tomorrow?" I smile. "I'll have to call him and see but I'm sure it'll be fine." I wash his hair and body and lay the tired three year old in his bed. "Goodnight buddy. Mama and daddy love you so much." "I love you and daddy too mommy." I kiss his forehead and go back downstairs. "Josh wants to visit his favorite uncle tomorrow." He smiles and sets dinner on the table. "Ya know when we were kids and B started getting used to us, I was paranoid he'd jump me at some time I didn't keep on my guard so I kept on my guard all the time." He says making me laugh. "I'm glad B got used to us. I don't know what we woulda done." He smirks. "I'd have kidnapped you and we'd run away." I laugh again so does he. "Would you have really done that?" I ask, standing up. "Yeah." I walk over and turn his chair around. I sit on his lap, my arms around his neck. "Looks like I'm getting more than just dinner." "Ah you dirty minded boy." I whisper as we kiss, my hands now running through his hair. I stand up, teasingly walking away wiggling a finger at him. Before I even get out of the kitchen, his hands are around my waist. "I told you I was gonna get you for messin' with me around Brantley." He whispers, kissing my neck then he pushes me against the counter as we kiss, his hands slipping into my pants. "God, Jason," I gasp. He laughs. "Honey be quiet ya don't wanna wake Josh up." He says then quickly does his thing making me gasp. "You're tellin' me to be quiet then you go and do that." "I had to. Couldn't pass up the opportunity." I glare jokingly at him with devil eyes. "Move it to the bedroom." I whisper. He nods.


We were making out his hands pinning me down, his knees on either side of me. "Oh Jason." I whisper moan. He smirks. "God you're beautiful." He whispers, a hand traveling down my body. "I love you so much." I whisper, wrapping my arms around his neck. "There's no one I'd rather do then you." He says, collapsing to his back, a sigh escaping. Both of us breathing heavily. I smile and look over at my amazing husband. "I'm one lucky son of a bitch." He says, making me laugh. "Yes you are." I say, kissing his cheek and cuddling into his side, his arm wrapping around me and we go to sleep.

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