Chapter 34

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Jason's pov

Kolby pulls up in the drive in their daddy's truck. I get Christine's car seat in. The rest of us pile in the back. Tyler, Thomas, Brian, B, me, Miranda, and Josh. Brantley taps the top meaning go and we take off mudding, getting completely drenched. After tearing up some fields, we were out back, rinsing off with the hose. Josh was shaking from being cold so I wrapped him in a towel. I spray Miranda and she shrieks then laughs. "Oh Jason, I'm so gonna get you!" Uh oh she really is! I drop the hose and take off running. I pick Christine up. "I've got a kid you can't do nothin'." I say quickly. She busts out laughing. "Hide behind a two year old! Real manly!" Brian shouts. I glare at him. I set Christine down and her and Alicia go play inside. My wife now has the hose and I'm cornered. "What are ya gonna do?" She laughs with that evil glare. "I'm screwed, aren't I?" She laughs. "Oh yeah." Then she puts the hose down the front of my pants. I quickly yank it out. "Well played." B calls everyone. "So the yard's tore up, everyone is soaking wet. Who's up for tacos?" I laugh. "How random is he?!" My wife gasps laughing.


Miranda's pov

I was sitting on the couch watching TV. Jason was at the table paying bills. He looks so good with those glasses. I never expected glasses to be a turn on for me. I guess I'm a weirdo. I glance at the TV when the walking dead comes on. The new episode. I turn it up loud and his eyes go wide. He takes his glasses off and scrunches his eyes tiredly. He puts them back on and sits down beside me. "What happened last time?" "That damn Jesus guy made them lose that truck with all the food. Oh and Rick finally got laid." He laughs at my word play and puts an arm around my shoulders. I lean into his side, my hand on his chest, slowly inching upward til it's resting on his chin. He smiles and looks down at me. "What are you doing?" "Givin' you an invitation." I say, smiling. "Did I ever tell you your glasses look so sexy?" He smirks and slips his arm around my back. "Oh really?" "Really baby." I whisper as he pulls me into a kiss. I smile and close my eyes as we make out and the cast of the walking dead kills zombies.

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