Chapter 24

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Jason's pov

Brantley and Amber left a week ago on a Harley to their honeymoon. "Man, that boy and his bikes." My wife whispers in the other room. I walk in there and she's looking through a photo album from when we all were kids. Brant always loved motorcycles. I sit down beside her. "B always blamed daddy for his bad bank account." She mumbles smiling. I laugh slightly. "Why?" "Cause he got that crazy biker addicted to motorcycles. It costs a lot to keep them up to date." She forces a smile. I know talking about her dad is hard. Especially since today would be his 50th birthday. I close the book and make her stand up. "Let's go and get your mind off it." "I don't wanna go anywhere." She mumbles sitting back down. I sigh unsure of what to do. I was still standing there thinking when Josh asked me to play video games with him.

Miranda's pov

I was looking at pictures of my mom and dad again while whisper singing some of our songs. Jason was playing games with Josh. I know my dad would do that too if he were here. I close the book and walk upstairs, trying to fight the tears. But I collapse on the bed crying for people I'll never see again.

Jason's pov

I pause the game when I hear muffled crying. I stand up and Josh asks what I'm doing. "I'll be right back." I say, walking to the stairs. "Honey are you okay?" I call. I don't think she heard me. I walk upstairs and open our bedroom door. "Hun?" "Just leave me alone." I sigh and walk in the bathroom where she's sitting on the floor crying. "Babe, what ya doin'?" "What part of leave me alone don't you understand!" She yells. I step back caught off guard by her sudden anger. "Babe-" "Just go the hell away! Can't you see I wanna be alone?!" Jeez. She's really upset. I'm not sure what to do. I go back downstairs. Maybe she just needs space.

*a few days later*

The last few days has been the same. She's been pissed off the whole time and I don't know what to do anymore!

Miranda's pov

"Hun I'm trying to be patient here but I can't take it anymore. You blow up every five seconds at us for stupid things. What has you so pissed off?!" I glare at my shoes. "Nothing. Just leave me alone!" I gripe walking outside. He grabs my arm before I get in my car. "Babe, please just talk to me!" I pull free and get in. "I don't wanna talk." I say, starting it up and lighting a cigarette. His eyes go wide. "You're smoking now? What has gotten into you?" "Dammit lay off, I'm your wife not your daughter! I can smoke if I wanna." I floor out of the drive going seventy and leaving in a big cloud of dust.

Jason's pov

I cough from the dust. Man, what has gotten into her?! Maybe I should talk to Brantley. But I don't wanna interrupt his honeymoon. I guess I'll wait til she gets back and we'll talk then.

*3 days later*

She never came home and I tried calling her but didn't get a response. I don't know what is going on! I get Tully to babysit Josh then I go down to the bar to cool down. "A shot of Jack." I grumble pissed off. "You alright?" "Marital issues." I mutter. "Oh so now we're having marital issues?" I look over and she's sitting a few seats down from me with a dry martini. I recover and say, "I don't know you tell me. You've been running off and pissed off. I don't know what to do anymore!" She glares at her drink. "Why can't I be left alone without being considered a problem!?" "I don't consider you a problem! I'm just worried about you. You haven't been the same since your dad's birthday." She stands up and pays the tab. "Baby please all I want is for you to talk to me." I say, turning around. She was about to walk away when our song hell on the heart comes on, making her freeze. She takes a deep breath. "Jason, I think I just need a break for a while." My heart nearly stops hearing her say that. "B-Baby w-what do you mean?" "I'm going back to Georgia for a few months. I just need a break. It's not you it's me!" I stand up and grab her hand. "Don't give me that it's not you it's me crap! Just tell me what I can do to fix this!" "You can't do anything. Please understand. You didn't do anything wrong."

Brantley's pov

My phone is ringing. I answer it and lay my head back. We were sitting at the pool. As soon as I put it to my ear, I have to pull it back since I'm hearing hysterical yelling. "Whoa calm down! What's going on?" "She just left me. I don't know what went wrong or why! But she said she needed a break then she left for Georgia." I stand up shocked. "Whoa! You're joking! My goodness! Did you guys have a fight?!" "No! She was super upset when your dad's birthday rolled around and she's been acting funny since but she just packed her bags and left! I don't know what to do!" Man. Poor Jason! I think she's just having a mid life crisis. "Maybe you should just give her some space, Jay." "I'm scared B. What if she doesn't come back?" I can hear him crying. "Then prove to her why she should stay."

Jason's pov

I lower the phone worried. But I know what he means. She's probably staying in Mama Becky's old house. "Is mom coming back?" Josh asks with tears in his eyes and holding Miranda's headphones. He must really miss her. I wipe the tears from my eyes and hug my son. "I will do my damndest to bring your mom home." And I know just the way to do it. With a song. I get to writing and the love I have for that very messed up in the head girl easily comes to paper.

Miranda's pov

*a few days later*

Taking a break from my busy exhausting life has been such a stress relief. Jason's sent me I love you messages and come home. I sigh and set my phone down. Then the doorbell rings. Before I even get up I hear Jason singing! "I never had no one I could count on, I've been let down so many times, I was tired of hurtin' so tired of searchin', til you walked into my life. It was a feelin' I'd never known and for the first time I didn't feel alone." I shakily open the door, my hands shaking. He stands there, playing guitar and singing a song I've never heard. "You're more than a lover. There could never be another to make me feel the way you do, oh we just get closer, I fall in love all over, everytime I look at you. I don't know where I'd be without you here with me life with you makes perfect sense. You're my best friend." Tears fall from my eyes. He lowers the guitar. He grabs my hands. "You're my best friend. I need you please don't ever do this to me again." I bust into tears and hug him. "Oh Jason I'm so sorry! I'm such a moron!" He laughs lightly and kisses me passionately."you're not a moron, baby. You're my girl and I love you more than life itself." "I'm sorry I was being selfish. I'll never run away again." He smiles. "Baby next time just talk to me. I've been so confused the last week." "I know. I'll never do this again." I lock up mama's house and get in Jason's truck. "And that song Jason that song was amazing. I don't think I've heard it before." He smiles down at me and hugs me, then kisses my head. "You haven't." I look up at him, trying to hide a smile. "What do you mean?" I ask. "I wrote it last night." Tears come to my eyes. "Jason," I say, sitting up. "What?" He asks, still staring at the road. "Pull over." I say. He looks at me caught off guard then smiles as he pulls to the side. "You're mg best friend too." I whisper.

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