Chapter 5

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Jason's pov

Junior prom is coming up soon and I plan on it being a very romantic evening. She may not be a junior yet but I am so she can come with me. She's just a sophomore. I went to their house after practice. But she was at piano practice. I sit down on the couch to wait and Brant comes downstairs. Ever since me and her started dating six months ago he's been avoiding me.

Brantley's pov

Jason was obviously here waiting for Miranda to get home. I grab a beer and sit at the dining room table, annoyed. "B, can we talk?" I sigh. "What do you want Jason?" He sits down across from me. "Why do you hate me dating your sister? I treat her right... I treat her like she's supposed to he treated." I glare at my hands and take a swig of my beer. "I don't know, man. It's just weird. Since when did you have a thing for her anyway?" He smiles, looking lost. "Since the night we made love in the deer stand." Ugh. He's so gross. "Seriously?!" His eyes go wide and his cheeks get red. "Sorry.... Um.... But I'm not fucking around here. The day that all happened I thought it was just a chance to get laid ya know she liked me, I didn't like her at first but after, it completely changed man." This is so strange. But he isn't kidding. "Wow.... You're genuinely in love with my sister!" I gasp, shocked. He smiles. "I sure am. I'm gonna love her til the day I die." I smile. "Hey Jason," He looks up from his hands to me. "I kinda like it that you're dating my sister." He smiles. "Thanks B. It means a lot. And I promise she's in good hands." I hear mom's car in the driveway.

Jason's pov

I quickly stand up and go back to the living room. She walks inside and smiles. "Hey Jason." "Hey girl." I hug her. "I have a question for you." "Oh and what's that?" "Will you accompany me to the junior prom? I assure you it'll be a night you'll never forget." "I'd love to go with you, Jason!" B walks out with his beer and Mrs. Becky's jaw drops. "Brantley Keith Gilbert you put that down this instant I'm gonna whoop your butt!" She yells. Me and Miranda laugh hysterically. "Oh cram it where the sun don't shine, Aldean." That only makes me laugh more. "Ok I'll be seein' ya Mrs. Becky." "Ok bye Jason." I grab her hand. "Where are we going?" "Well, we're going to prom, you need a dress and I need a suit." "Oh you treat me like a queen, Jay!" I smile and kiss her head. "A camo queen. Cause that's what you are." We get in my truck and take off to the clothing stores.

*a few weeks later*

"I wanna get lots of pictures." Mrs. Becky says, snapping off pictures. "Come on, Brantley smile!" "Ugh mama you're embarassing me!" He mutters, annoyed. Amber his girlfriend just laughs. "Can we go now?" Miranda begs her mother. "Oh alright have fun." "Don't wait up!" B calls as we walk out the door. We get to the school and the music is super loud but at least it's country. Thank God I live in rural Georgia where everyone is a fan of country music. "Ooh Brooks and Dunn, come on." My amazing girl says. I laugh as she pulls me onto the dance floor to the fast song of boot scootin' boogie. I dip her, her arms around my neck and she laughs. "This is so much fun." I smirk. "You just wait for the after party." "Oh, Mr. Aldean, what do you have in store for this lowly cowgirl." I pull her back up. "Wanna get some punch?" She nods so we go to the concessions table. I look around and pull out a flask. "Are you gonna get me drunk, Jason?" I smile and pour it into pur drinks. "Maybe." I say, drinking my cup. "I've never drank before Jason."

Miranda's pov

"There's always a first time for everything." He says, kissing me. I can still taste the alcohol on his lips. "I can get drunk off your kiss." I whisper, setting the cup down.


We ditched prom and went back to his deer stand just like our first time. He lays beside me out of breath and a smile on his face and his eyes closed. My head rests against his chest. "Marry me." He whispers, catching me off guard. "What?" I sit up. He opens his eyes. "Marry me." He repeats. "I really want to down the road. See what life's gonna hold." He smiles. He sits up and kisses me gently on the lips. "You're the only girl that can make me smile." He says. I stare gladly into the loving eyes of this cowboy. "I'll never stop loving you." I say, kissing him, my hands against his bare chest, his hands wrap around my waist.

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