Chapter 32

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Jason's pov

*2 years later*

Alicia was over playing with Christine. "Stop running!" I shout. "Hey Jason, have you made an appointment with the eye doctor?" Miranda asks. I sigh and shake my head. "You know you have to." "I know I know. I'll do it." I mutter annoyedly pulling out my phone. The past couple months, my vision has been getting blurry. This sucks. "Hey baby I'm only 36 how is my vision getting bad?" She smiles. "I don't know honey that's what the doctor will be able to tell you." I hold her in my arms instead. "You're supposed to be calling the doctor." She says, sitting on my lap. "How can I with a hot woman like you in my lap." I flirt, pulling her into a kiss. "Don't distract me you little-" "Oh shut up and kiss me." "Ok."


Miranda walks in our room after getting Christine to sleep. She crosses her arms. "Call the doctor." "I don't wanna." She laughs. "You sound like a child." "That's what I was going for." She laughs and lays beside me. "Call the doctor." She repeats. "Oh fine but I ain't gonna like it."

Miranda's pov

He finally calls the doctor and sets up an appointment. He walks back in our room. "I'm much too young to feel this damn old." He says sighing. "Ok Garth Brooks, get over here." He smiles and lays down beside me. "How do we do it baby girl?" I raise an eyebrow. "Do what?" "Go from being a young couple in high school to the parents of the two most amazing kids in the history of the world." I smile. "They are pretty great aren't they?" He nods and kisses me softly, my hands in his hair as we make out. He holds me to the bed then light shines on us. My eyes go wide. I quickly push him off me. "Christine, hey honey what's wrong?" I ask nervously. I hope she doesn't ask. "I-I had a b-bad dream." She gasps, crying. "Aw come on up here." I say. "But baby-" "It's just for tonight, Jason." He sighs. She lays in between us. He stares at the ceiling. "Ya know I keep going back to when we were kids." I look over at him while trying to get Christine back to sleep. "What do ya think would've happened if we never got paired up together to go hunting that day." I smile. "We probably never would've started dating." He smiles over at me. Then reaches over slipping his hand behind my head. "I'm so lucky." He says. "I love you Jason." "I love you so much." He sits up and kisses our daughter's forehead. She's fast asleep now. "I dread the day she starts liking boys. Cause boys are all the same, all teenage boys are looking for is a way to get laid." I eye him. "But not you of course." He opens his eyes again. "Well...." My eyes go wide. "Not you!" I say again slightly ticked. "In the beginning-" I whack him with his hat. He laughs. "I'm just bein' honest baby." I glare at him. "Being honest mighta just got ya a seat on the couch." His eyes go wide. "You're kiddin' right babe?" I stay silent. "Babe?" I smirk. He moves Christine back to her bed. "You were kiddin' right hun?" I still stay quiet. "Baby I'm scared now! If you were trying to get me, ya got me!" He gasps sounding desperate. I laugh and sit up. "Of course I was just messin' with ya." He smiles. "Phew for a second there I thought-" I cut his sentence short with a kiss. He grips my waist and closes his eyes. He pushes me against the pillows. "Say it." He whispers in my ear. I smile. "I'm crazy over you." I say. He smiles. "Yeah you are."

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