Chapter 23

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Jason's pov

Brantley puts his ball cap on making me laugh. "You're gonna wear a ball cap to your wedding?" He laughs too and nods. "Amber loves my ball cap." I just shake my head with a smile. They play the song. "Ok it's time. How do I look?" "Definitely not like a redneck in a tux." He rolls his eyes. "Let's get a move on."

Brantley's pov

I watch Amber walk down the aisle and stand beside me. All I can think about is how amazingly wonderful she is. I kiss her hand and the preacher says what he has to say. Then Jason hands me my vows. I suddenly get all choked up. I clear my throat and pull at my collar. "You okay?" My best man whispers. I nod and take a deep breath. "Amber, the light of my life, the beautiful perfect girl that has had my heart since day one. I will never be as happy as I am then when I'm with you. Don't ever let go to this Georgia boy cause I'll never be the same cause you're just right for me." Amber wipes the tears from her eyes and my darling little sister gives her her vows.

Miranda's pov

Jason keeps giving me flirty smiles and funny looks. I can't wait to renew our vows.


Jason spins me around on the dance floor our hands interlocked together. "Whoa!" He gasps, tripping over his feet. We go sprawling to the floor and I'm laughing so hard I can't breathe. "Well that happened." He says, dazed. I laugh and rest a hand against his chest. He smiles and puts a hand over mine. "It's your love. It just does something to me sends a shock right through me! I can't get enough!" I look over and am surprised to see Brantley and Amber dancing to our song. "Wow. Didn't see that coming." Jason says, smiling. "Hey it fits 'em." I say. He turns his head back to me. "It fits us too." We share a kiss, Jason still on his back and me sitting beside him. I stand up and hold a hand out. We both stand back up. "Ya know what." He says. "What?" I ask. He smiles. "You're the best little sister ever. I'm glad you are Brantley's baby sister." I smile. "Not still afraid of getting your ass kicked any time ya wanna visit your girlfriend." He laughs and holds me around the waist. "I'd get my ass beat every day to be with you." He whispers, kissing me.

Sorry it's so short.

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