Chapter 8

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Miranda's pov

Jason was walking me to my class when I saw a flyer for a talent show! "Ooh Jason! You should try out!" I gasp, grabbing it. He laughs. "Darlin' I've never done a talent show." I smile and rest a hand against his chest. "There's always a first time for everything." He laughs. "Took the words right out of my mouth." He pretends to think about it. "Ok I'll do it if you do it." My eyes go wide. "What? Why me?" He smiles. "You have to!" I smile. "Okay." We both sign our names as a duo. We walk more towards my class when somebody steps out in front of us. Instantly Jason's stare turns hard. "Jay, what's-" "Stay behind me." He says, holding my hand and pulling me behind him. The guy pounds his fist with a smile. "I wish the guys were here. It's easier to take a bully on as a team." He mutters, angrily, gritting his teeth. "You know the drill boy." He says, walking closer. Jason takes a step back. "You don't wanna get into it with me." My boyfriend says. Someone grabs my arm, pulling me back. Jason spins around. The guy holding my arms back tightens his grip, making me cry out. "Let her go, man!" He shouts. Both boys laugh. The first guy pushes him against the wall. "You think you can give us orders!" He growls. "Hey Dustin, ain't this Brantley's little sister?" The guy holding onto me asks. He glances over at us. "Who cares man?" Jason punches Dustin in the chest then the stomach. "You better tell Rick to let go of my girlfriend!" He growls, throwing him against the wall. He shoots a panicked hand signal and Rick releases me. I fall to my knees. Jason runs over to me. "You okay?" He asks, helping me up. I shakily nod and he holds me up. The two guys have us cornered. "You go for the tall one, I've got the spiky haired kid." I grumble. "What? You're not getting into a fight!" He gasps, looking shocked. "What? You don't think I can fight! Hello! B taught me to fight." "It's not that I don't think you can fight, I just don't want-" Dustin hits him in the back of the head and he turns around angrily. "Leave me alone!" He yells, pulling out a rod and hitting him with it! Whoa! Dustin rubs his head. "Oh it's on now!" He shouts running at him. He grabs his flying fist and flips him then he stands back up bearing the rod like a sword! Whoa! He looks so awesome! He clicks a button and it retracts into a pocket sized thing. "Whoa Jason! What was that?" He smiles and puts it in his pocket. "Something I made in engineering." "That was so cool!" He laughs. "Let's get to class."


Brantley's pov

"Then the jerk cowered while Jason told him to let me go!" My silly sister goes on and on about Jason. I roll my eyes. "Silly girl." I say, petting her head. She pushes my hand. "Stop it B." I laugh. "I'm done hearing about your boyfriend." I say, trying to stop laughing. I button my shirt. "I'm going to Amber's party. Don't tell mama she's throwing a party. She doesn't like it when I drink." She hugs me. "I've got ya covered bro." I head out and she lays down with her headphones.

Jason's pov

I watch Brantley walk out. I wanna wait til he leaves. I know Mrs. Becky is already asleep. She goes to sleep early. "I know you're in the woods!" He yells, making me cringe. He smirks by his truck and I walk out, nervously stuffing my hands in my pockets. He smirks, his hands on his hips. "She's in her room with headphones be careful she doesn't karate chop you." My eyes go wide. "What?" "You're gonna go hang out with her right?" I nod. "Just warning you about her headphones." He says, getting in his truck. It's weird now that he doesn't get pissed off that I come over. He waves and drives to Amber's party. Hm, maybe we could go to Amber's party too. I sneak in through her window and just like Brantley said she was listening to her music. I smile and watch her sleep.

Miranda's pov

I feel like I'm being watched. I slowly open my eyes and instantly Jason's arms are wrapped around me. "Hey, jeez you scared the crud outta me!" "That's what I was going for." He says, smiling. He kisses my forehead. "So what's the plan?" "Originally, hang out here but I was thinkin' how about we hit up Amber's party." "I'd love that but I promised B I'd have his back if mama woke up." He shakes his head. "Your mama won't care." He says, kissing me again. "Oh okay, let's go." "Great!" He pulls me out of bed and laughs. "I should change first." He nods and leans against the wall. I roll my eyes and go to my closet. He wolf whistles while I get dressed and I laugh. "Boy. You're gonna get your butt beat." I say, wiggling a finger at him. "Maybe if B was here but he ain't." He says, walking over and slipping his hands around my waist. I smile and stare up at him. "You're amazing." He says, brushing a strand of hair out of my face. I can feel the red creeping into my cheeks. "I'm one lucky girl." I say, getting on my tiptoes and pressing my lips to his, a hand tangling in his hair. His hat falls off and he backs up against the wall. "I think..... We're gonna miss the party." He whispers. "I don't mind." I whisper back. He slides to the ground, still leaning against the wall. I go to work unbuttoning his shirt while we're still making out and he lays me down on the floor of my bedroom.

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