Chapter 50

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Brantley's pov

*in his dream*

Amber. The name rings in my mind like the day our wedding bells did. I miss her so much. I hear her crying! I run but find Jana. Jana! I run to her and hug her. "What's wrong?" "You love Amber more than me!" "No! I don't!" I'll prove it to her!

*he wakes up*

I'm gonna prove it to her.

*the next day*

Jason's pov

Brant and Jana come over. "I heard Josh is having some lady issues." I laugh. "Lemme guess my girl?" He laughs and nods. "Anyways, how's he doing?" "Fine. He's on a date as we speak. Just like his old man." He smiles. "Yeah you sure are an old man." Huh? "What's that supposed to mean?!" He laughs. "I'm just joshin' ya man!" Whatever. He's so annoying sometimes. "Where's Miranda?" "Reading to Christine." He walks upstairs I guess to talk to her. I get up and get something to eat. I'm surprised to see a beer in the fridge. Where did that come from? I don't drink. Haven't since all that mess happened. I hear footsteps behind me. "Hey honey any idea how this got in the fridge?" I turn around and it isn't my wife. It's Amber. "What the? What are you doing here?!" "I have to talk to Brantley before he makes a big mistake!" Uh..... "You should get the heck outta here before Miranda comes down and sees ya. She was firing off rifle rounds cursing your name." "Oh jeez!" "Yeah. Jeez. Now get out." I hear Miranda scream and I drop the beer in my hand and take off running. "Babe! You okay?!" I gasp running into the room. Whoa. Brantley proposed to Jana. "Hey B, hate to cancel the happy tidings and all but Amber is downstairs." Miranda looks at me wide eyed. She is about to stomp out the door when I grab her arms. "Baby you have to let them work it out for themselves. You can't get involved!" She tries to pull free. "Yes I can! That shitty bitch is gonna get what's coming to her!" I sigh and hold onto her while B takes care of her.

*the next day*

"I already have everything planned out. We're getting married next week!" Brantley says. "Dude don't ya think it's too soon? You just got divorced from Amber." "Nah I'm good. I can't wait to get married!" I am a little worried about him. He's probably so torn up about everything with Amber that this thing with Jana is just..... I don't even know what it is! But like I told Miranda. He needs to work this out for himself.


"This isn't good, Jason you know that." I sigh and nod. "What do we do?" "WE don't do anything. He has to figure this out on his own." She sighs and sits up. "You know he won't! He's too stubborn!" I sigh and lay my head back against the headboard. I don't know what to do.

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