Chapter 31

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Jason's pov

We were rocking at Luke's for a bonfire party. Brantley was singing his song 'ya want a bad boy.' to Amber. Alicia was tucked safely in his arm. It's awesome seeing my best friend as a dad. I was sitting on a fencepost with my princess beside me. She was rubbing her stomach. "Baby I'm so fat." She whines. I jump down. "Girl, you're pregnant! There's a difference." "But I'm so big." I wrap my arms around her waist. "And the bigger you get, the sooner it is til our beautiful baby girl gets here. Hurry up Christine." She laughs. "So you don't mind that I'm super big from my pregnancy?" "Of course not baby." I kiss her gently. "I've got a new song I've been meaning to sing to you and this is the perfect time." She smiles. "I can't wait to hear it, Jay." She says, fiddling with my necklace. "Yo B. The mic my man!"

Miranda's pov

He goes to the stage, smiling. "This song's for you baby girl." He strums to the song and starts singing. "She said honey do ya think I'm smart? I said of course ya are, ain't ya lyin' here in my arms. Well does this shirt make me look fat?" This makes me laugh. He gets to the chorus. " You're crazy. There ain't a girl in this whole wide world that could ever make me feel the way I do about you, baby. Yeah, you're crazy. But you can be as crazy as you wanna be, as long as you're crazy over me!" He steps offstage. "And all my stubborn ways. Puttin' up with the messes I make, hell I even ruined our first date, girl for goodness sakes ya gotta be crazy!" He hands his guitar off and drops the mic, grabbing me around the waist. "But you can be as crazy as ya wanna be. As long as you're crazy over me." He whisper sings then kisses me passionately. My hands landing on his cheeks as we kiss.

Brantley's pov

Wow. They are so lucky to have found each other. "They're perfect for each other." Tyler says. "I'm really glad I stopped being a stubborn idiot, cause there's no one I trust more with my sister." I say. Tyler smiles. "Finally letting her grow up, huh B?" I smile too. "Yeah. They are so cute together." Suddenly it looks like she's about to panic. "Babe what's wrong?" He gasps. My eyes go wide. Me and Tyler look at each other wide eyed. Jason's eyes meet mine. "Is it time?" I call. "Guys, Christine is coming. Like right now!" He gasps, looking panicked.

Jason's pov

"Ahh! Oh God!" "It's alright baby. I've got you!" Luke pulls his truck around. I hold her bridal style and get her in the back. Brantley gets in the passenger side. "Deep breaths hun. You're gonna be okay." She stares at me, her eyes wide and terrified. "What do we do?!" She gasps, grabbing my arm, another pain filled scream being ripped from her. I hate seeing her in pain and there's nothing I can do. She digs her nails into my arm but I don't complain. "Luke step on it! She's coming fast!" I yell desperately. B looks back worried. "I'm okay Brantley." She says, smiling. But it's obviously fake. We finally get to the hospital after what felt like eternity. Seconds later, Kolby pulls up on his motorcycle. He gets a wheelchair from the hospital and I help her into it. She grips the sides til her knuckles turn white. "It's gonna be okay baby." I say, quickly. "My wife has gone into labor." "Name?" "Miranda Aldean." Then she screams in pain again. The nurse's eyes go wide. She picks up the phone. "I need an open labor and delivery room stat!"

Miranda's pov

The pain is unbearable. My ears feel blocked. I see Jason beside my hospital bed, talking to the doctor on the other side but I can't hear them.

Jason's pov

"Wha.... What's he saying?" She mumbles confused. "What's wrong with her?!" I gasp terrified. We get her to a room and the doctor tells her to push but she's incoherent. "She's out of it doc what do we do?!" "We'll have to have an emergency c-section!" He says. "Put these on." He hands me some scrubs. Whoa. I put them on over my clothes. Then they wheel her to surgery. I pass Brantley and freeze. "I-Is she okay?" "C-Section." I whisper, running passed him to her room. Her eyes widening when she sees me. "Baby, you're gonna be okay." I say, holding her hand. She's shaking. "What about Christine?" "She'll be okay too baby." They give her the anesthesia. "Baby just look at me, okay." Her eyes never leave mine until I hear the crying of our baby girl. My hands tense up in shock. She's here. She's finally here. "Congratulations, it's a girl." "Christine." My wife whispers, also wide eyed. I smile. "Yeah." I say, tearing up. The doctor hands her to me. She yawns and puts her hand in her mouth. I smile. "Hey baby girl, I'm your daddy. No one will ever hurt you." I sit down beside Miranda's head. "Oh Jason, she's beautiful."


She's asleep now. They moved her back to a regular room and Brantley came in carrying Josh. He sets him down and he runs to me. "Oh wow." I smile and put him on my knee while holding Christine in my other arm. "Can I hold her dad?" "Yeah but ya gotta be very careful." Brantley crosses his arms with a smile. "Everyone is in the waiting room waiting to see the newest Aldean." He says. I proudly pick up Christine and Brantley holds Josh's hand. I walk out to the waiting room seeing all my friends and my mom and dad. "Presenting Christine Anna Aldean." I say.

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