Chapter 10

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Miranda's pov

I peek out of the curtain at the many people. Jason puts his hat on his head and fixes his collar. "Ready darlin'?" "As ready as I'll ever be." I mumble wringing my hands. "Just.... Think like you're singing for me. Only me. In your room with a hairbrush for a mic." I laugh a little. He smiles. "You're gonna do great." I smile. "I love you Jason." He brushes his thumb across my cheek. "I love you too, my camo queen." We share a passionate kiss then they call our names. I see all our friends and my big brother up front. I smile and wave. B holds a sign that say 'You're a star!'. Jason clasps the mic and starts the song. "Dancin' in the dark, middle of the night. Taking your heart and holdin' it tight." He clasps my hands looking me in the eyes. "And askin' you to do what you've been doin' all over again." We sing this part together. "Oh it's a beautiful thing don't think I can keep it all in, I've just gotta let you know, what it is that won't let me go! It's your love, it just does something to me! It sends a shock right through me! I can't get enough! And if you wonder about the spell I'm under oh it's your love."


All the contestants were told to come onstage so everyone does, me holding tight to Jason's hand. He smiles and squeezes my hand reassuringly. "Even if we don't win, we still had fun up here tonight." He says. I smile and nod in agreement. "And the winners of this years talent show are Miranda Gilbert and Jason Aldean!" My eyes go wide. The guy hands Jason the money. "We won!" I gasp, shocked. "It was a beautiful song sung by two very talented kids." The guy says. "Thank you." Me and Jason both say at the same time. I laugh a little then we go meet our friends. "I knew you guys would win!" Brian says, patting my back. "That was amazing! You two are the perfect duo." Thomas says, smiling. Brantley's arms are crossed over his chest with a smile on his face. He hugs me. "You did great sis."

*one week later*

I started feeling sick the other day and I threw up some today. Brantley came in to check on me. "I'm worried B." He sits down beside me and feels my forehead. "No temp. What are you worried about?" I sit up, trying not to cry. "W-What if I'm pregnant?" His eyes go wide. "Brantley what should I do?!" He stands up, probably wanting to beat the crap out of Jason. "Leave my boyfriend alone!" I shout. "I'm gonna go get some tests." He says.

*2 hours later*

I sob in my big brother's arms. "How am I gonna tell Jason?!" I shout. "Hey he's still gonna love you. I know he is. This won't change anything." "B-But our big plans-" "Can still happen. He's waiting til you graduate anyway. So the baby will be two by then. You can stay home with him or her and he'll try to find a deal." "B-But w-we were g-gonna be a duo." Mama walks back in my room. "I called Jason and he said he's at baseball practice." "I'm gonna go there. I wanna do this, just us two." I shakily get up and get dressed. I can't believe I'm pregnant. B and mama hug me and I drive to the field. I stay behind the bleachers and wait for practice to be over. He grabs a bottle of water and I walk out. He sees me and waves. "Hey hun, what's up?" "We have to talk." I say, grabbing his hand. He looks confused. We go to the little alcove before you get to the locker rooms. "What's up sugar?" He asks, taking his baseball hard hat off and holding it in his hand.

Jason's pov

She looks really freaked. "Jason, I'm pregnant." My eyes go wide in shock and the hat slips from my grasp, making a solid thunk on the ground at our feet. I can't find my voice. "L-Lemme s-shower then we'll t-talk." I stumble, wide eyed, trying not to break down crying. I hug her tight. "I love you baby girl." "I love you too." She whimpers, holding my sweaty shirt relentlessly. I shakily walk to the locker room and sit down, trying to think. What will we do?! I break down in tears since my whole life is now completely changed! I can't go to Nashville with a baby! Tears stream down my cheeks in a neverending torrent. I finally after ten minutes stand up and take a quick shower then I walk back out. "Does B and Mrs. Becky know?" She nods. We go back to her house. "What are we doing here?" I ask worriedly. Mrs. Becky looks just as scared as I am. "I wanna keep the baby." My girlfriend says making my jaw drop. "You can't be serious! You're only fifteen!" I gape. "I don't care. I'm highly against abortion and I don't want my baby to in the future think I don't want him or her." I wouldn't want that either. I shakily hug my girlfriend. "Ok. Let's have a baby." I force myself to say.


She had gone to sleep and Mrs. Becky went to the store. So it's just me and Brantley. "So you and my baby sister are having a baby." He says, sounding shocked. I nod, kicking a pile of dirt with my boot. He looks up at the sunset.

Brantley's pov

"B, I'm totally freaked here! What do I do?! I'm too young for this! This wasn't our plan! We weren't gonna have kids anytime soon!! How am I gonna raise a kid?! I guess we won't be going to Nashville." Jason rants, freaked out. "Jay calm down man. You can still go to Nashville with a kid. It'll be okay." "I'm so scared Brantley. I'm not ready!" I grab his shoulder and slap some sense into him. He looks shocked after I did that and he rests a hand against his cheek. "Sorry. You were totally wigging out." "Y-Yeah... Sorry." "Everything is gonna be fine. Just be happy." "H-Happy?" I nod. "Kids are never mistakes don't think that. This happened for a reason, Jason. And you'll understand it when the baby gets here. You'll make a great dad." He smiles. "Thanks man, I couldn't have gotten through this without you." We share a hug and he goes to nap with Miranda. She's pregnant. But I think it'll work out fine.

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