Chapter 47

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Jason's pov

I walk out confused. "Hey babe, ya seen my glasses anywhere I can't find them." She glances over and her and B both bust out laughing. Huh? "What's so funny?" "Check your head silly!" She says. I do that and they're on top of my head. Oh jeez. They'll never let me live this down. I sit beside them on the couch then Amber walks in with her friend Jennifer. "Hey sweety what's up?" She sighs. "B we need to talk." What? Uh oh. That does not sound good at all! Miranda gives me a worried look and I shrug. They walk into the kitchen to talk. I shouldn't eavesdrop but I'm curious. "Brant, I've got some bad news." Uh oh. "What is it?" "I've been..... Cheating on you." My jaw drops, hearing that and Miranda looks like she's about to kill someone. I grab her arm to keep her from going into the kitchen. I her B cursing and shouting. "That's not the worst of it. I'm pregnant and it's his baby." Oh my God! Poor Brantley! "I'm sorry Brantley I really am but I'm leaving you. You can keep Alicia. I am so sorry." She then leaves in tears and B walks out looking completely and totally devestated. "I'm gonna beat that bitch's ass!" My wife yells furious. B sits on the couch too shocked to care. Miranda runs out the front door and I'm about to run out after when I hear B crying! Brantley! We're talking about Brantley freaking Gilbert here!! The toughest man I know! "Oh man B I'm so sorry this happened. Ya know buddy she doesn't deserve you anyway!" He covers his face in his hands and I'm shocked. Then I remember Miranda ran off. I sigh and very reluctantly get up. "I gotta go find your sister. You gonna be okay?" He stares at the floor. "B?" "I'm fine!" He growls. Oh crap. "Just.... Don't break anything please." I run out hearing gunshots and go to the back pasture.

Miranda's pov

"That fucking bitch! How dare she?! I'll make her pay. Karma's a bitch and I'm the queen!" I growl firing off rounds. "The camo queen! That bitch is gonna wish she was dead by the time I get through with her!" I yell into the night air. I scream in rage and shoot off a few more rounds. "Ya know that's a waste of bullets?" I freeze hearing Jason. That's the first thing he said to me before he made a move on me. I turn around, dropping the rifle. "I can't believe that fucking bitch!!" I yell. "Baby calm down before you have a panic attack again." I gasp grabbing her arms. "I'm just so........ So..... I just wanna beat the shit out of something!"

Jason's pov

Uh oh. Before I even realize she's punched me in the gut. I double over in pain. "Nice shot." I choke out falling to my knees. "Oh Jason I'm sorry. I'm in a blind rage right now." "It's cool. I understand. Ow man you can punch!" She sighs. "I'm so sorry." I struggle to stand up. "Are you okay?" "Just peachy." I force a weak smile. "Come on let's go home." She says, grabbing my arm. Oh man my stomach feels like it's been put into a blender. "Hey honey remind me never to really piss you off. I'd be fuckin' dead." She laughs. "I'm really sorry." "It's alright." We get back home. "Whoa what happened to you?" Josh asks. "Your mom can punch like a damn bodybuilder." I mutter leaning against the wall. "Are you sure you're okay?" I hold up the hand signal for just fine. But I don't think I am. What's wrong with me?!

Brantley's pov

"Call a doctor." He chokes out, hitting his knees, a hand gripped tight around his stomach. My sister and nephew bust out screaming. I call an ambulance and they take him. We get to the hospital a few minutes after the ambulance. And surprisingly I see Amber and the guy I presume she cheated on me with. "Brantley what are you doing here?" "Uh Jason... Had an accident. We don't know what's wrong with him. What about you?" "Baby check up." She says and sighs. "Look I'm really sorry I was terrible to you." I just look away until they leave. I sit down in a chair and a girl with a busted knee is sitting beside me. "Hey I'm Jana. What's your name?" "Brantley." I say, glaring at the floor.

Miranda's pov

Brantley and the girl are talking up a storm while I pace the floor terrified. I can't believe I might have just killed Jason!!! The doctor walks out and I run over desperate. "He has appendicitis." Oh God! I must have ruptured it! "He's getting prepped for surgery now." They allow me back for a few minutes. Jason groans in pain on the operating table. "Oh God!" I gasp shaking. He opens his eyes. "Baby? This ain't your fault! I didn't even know I had appendicitis. Don't blame yourself. I'm gonna be fine." I hold his hand. "I'm so sorry!" "It's alright. I love you." "I love you too." I wipe the tears from my eyes as the doctors take him back for surgery.

Brantley's pov

I help Jana home since she can't drive due to her bum knee. She busted it in softball. "I hope your friend is okay." She says. "My what?" "Your friend? The one who got hurt?" Oh yeah. Jason. "Oh uh yeah. Thanks." I say nervously. "Hey ya wanna maybe come over for songwriting?" She smiles. "Sure thing Mr. Gilbert." I smile, my heart palpitating. "See ya tomorrow, Mrs. Kramar." We hug and I head back home. Wow I think I'm in love.

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