Chapter 30

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Jason's pov

Miranda walks downstairs. "You know what I hate most about being pregnant?" I open my mouth to say something but she says, "And don't say what I know you're about to say!" I laugh. "What'd you think?" "It's the wait! I want her here now, Jay." She gives me the puppy dog eyes. "Baby I don't know why you're trying that. There's nothin' I can do." She puts her hands on her hips. "Get off your feet babe, they're gonna start swellin' again." I say, pulling her onto my lap. Her arms wrapping around my neck. "The wait is torture." I laugh and nod in agreement.


She went to take a nap and Josh came downstairs. "Hey dad, when you and mom were kids, what was it like?" Hm... "Not much different from you son, other than having phones. I didn't have a phone til I was twenty. By then you were three." "Man you guys were young when I came along." He says. Uh.... "Yeah but I'm glad it happened that way kiddo." He smiles. "JASON!!" Uh oh! What now?! I rush upstairs. The bedroom door closed. I swing it open. "Huh? What's going on?" I think she's having a bad dream. I shake her awake. "Huh?!" "Hey it's okay baby. You were only dreaming." "The baby? Is she okay?" "Yes she's fine hun." "Is mom okay?" Josh asks, poking his head in. She's shaking in my arms. "Just a bad dream, Josh."

*the next day*

Brantley calls us all to his house. This must be the big news. I help Miranda out. "My feet are swollen again." "Ya want me to carry you?" She smiles with those puppy dog eyes again. I sweep her off her feet and carry her bridal style to the bonfire. Brantley walks out. "Me and Amber have some big news to share with you guys." Yep the big news I heard about. He waves to the house probably meaning for Amber to come out. "We adopted our little girl. Her name's Alicia!" Whoa! I never imagined this! Miranda stares at me wide eyed. "Wow." She says. The little girl looks to be about three. Amber sets her down. Everyone congratulates them.

*later that day*

We were laying in bed just talking. "I love that B adopted. She's an adorable little girl." "It only makes me want our little girl here more." I say, resting my hand on her stomach. "3 months and counting." She says as I pull her into a kiss.

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