Chapter 9

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Brantley's pov

I went to the lake to go fishing and I pulled my tackle box and rod out when I heard annoyed mumbling. I look over and see Jason on his tailgate and he looks to be talking to himself. I walk over after setting my stuff down. "What are you doing?" "Trying to come up with a song to sing at the talent show but I've hit a bad case of writer's block." He says, sighing. He stands up the notebook still in hand. "What ya got so far?" I ask. He hands it to me. "It's gonna be a duet with me and Miranda." I read the title which is It's Your Love. He's got a first verse and a chorus. "Ya need a second verse I reckon?" I ask, looking up. He nods. "I think for the third we'll just do the chorus twice, ya know?" He says, a hand to his chin. I nod and think about a second verse for him.

*hours later*

Instead of fishing I helped Jason with the song and we are just now getting finished with it. "And who I am now is who I wanted to be and now that we're together, I'm stronger than ever, I'm happy and free. Oh it's a beautiful thing don't think I can keep it all in no and if you asked me why I changed, all I gotta do is say you're sweet name!" He sings while I play guitar. He gets through the chorus again and stands up fully. "Yeah! This song kicks ass!" He shouts. I smile. "Thanks man." We highfive. "I was gonna go fishing. Wanna come?" "Sure." He puts the notebook and guitar up in his truck. "I think we're gonna kick butt in the talent show. Did you know first place is five hundred dollars?" "Whoa! Really? If you win, what would you do with all that money!?" I gape shocked. He smiles. "Save it for when I got to Nashville in three years." I stop short. Three years? He graduates next year. "Why three years? Why not when you graduate?" I ask, confused. He turns back around. "What do you mean?" "Why don't you just go when you graduate? Why are you waiting an extra two years?" "Oh that. I'm waiting for Miranda to graduate then we'll both go together." Wow. We finally reach our fishing spot. "Hey Jason, I'm sorry I was such an ass about you dating her. You're one of my best friends. I shouldn't have flipped on you like I did." He leans against a tree. "That's cool, B. It lets her know you care. She knows, bud trust me." I wonder what he means by that. "You okay?" He asks, looking up from his boots. I nod and cast my line. An awkward silence settles over us. His phone buzzes and he glances at it. "Hey I gotta go but I'll see ya at the talent show tomorrow night." He says waving. I nod and wave back.

Miranda's pov

Jason gets over here and shows me the song for the talent show. "I'm really nervous Jason, I don't usually sing like you guys do." "Aww come on baby, last week at the bar was exceptional. I've never been more starstruck in my life." He says, holding my hands. "You'll do great." I smile. "Nothing to worry about." I say, trying not to be nervous. He smiles and nods. "Have you picked out an outfit yet?" I ask. "I figured go with my usual. Plaid button down, blue jeans and boots." I smile. "Always looks good on you." I say, kissing him. He holds me tight. After a deep make out session we go to Tyler's bonfire party he was throwing. I grab a plate of BBQ. Jason grabs a beer. "Where's Brantley?" I mumble, looking around. "I know he was at the lake earlier. We ran into each other there." I nod, trying to think. "I'm gonna go find him." I say, a twinge of worry in my voice. Jason kisses my cheek. "Holler if ya need me." He says. I nod and head off to find my big brother. Just as Jason said he was at the lake. "B?" I call. He turns around. "You okay?" He sighs. "I've taken you for granted little sister." He says confusing me. "What do you mean Brantley?" I sit beside him on his tailgate. "I thought..... I felt like I could hold onto you forever. You'd always be my baby sister.... But you've grown up.... You've fallen in love and now you've got big plans to move to Nashville with Jason.... You've got your whole life planned out..... And you didn't need me to do it." My eyes go wide. "B, don't say that. I'll always need you. You're my strong protective big brother." "Jason's strong and protective you don't need me for that!" He gasps. "I want you for that. You're the one I can run to and cry to and complain to and talk to about anything. Even the love of my life." He looks at me surprised. "You're the only one I want to have that special connection with. Because you're my only brother. Nobody will ever be able to fill your shoes." He looks shocked then he hugs me. "I love having a little sister like you." "And I don't know what I'd do without a big brother like you. I can tell you I wouldn't be the same girl I am today." He smiles. "Let's go to the party."

Jason's pov

Miranda and B get back. She waves to him and walks over to me. "What's up?" She looks like she wants to say something. "Well, you remember back in the deer stand, after we ditched prom?" Uh...... Where's this going? I nod slowly. "Well my answer is yes. I do wanna marry you just not until we're older." Whoa! My eyes go wide. "W-Wait? I really said that!" I gasp, shocked. She looks confused now. "Yeah, right after we..... Well you know.... You asked me and I said down the road.... You don't remember?" "Honey I was semi drunk back then. It doesn't mean I don't wanna marry you given the chance I just didn't expect that I said that!" "Oh Jason, you and beer are like best friends!" "Actually it was whiskey that night but who cares." She shrugs and grabs my hand. "Let's sneak away." I smile and nod and we go off into the woods.


We were laying in the grass, staring up at the stars that glowed so pretty. Her laying in the crook of my arm. She was wearing a wreath of flowers on her head. "Kenny Chesney said it best. Your one true love is the good stuff." I say, pulling her into a kiss.

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