Chapter 37

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Miranda's pov

We were in Detroit it was hours before the show and we were just hanging around, drinking and having one hell of a time. The boys were shooting targets with bow and arrows. He loaded a bow and downed the rest of a beer. "Ok boys stand back. I'm doin' this one with my eyes closed." Oh jeez. "Jason that's not a good idea!" I gasp. "I'll be fine. Just hold on to your coon skin caps!" I roll my eyes and hold the kids back. "JASON ALDEAN! I CHALLENGE YOU!" Huh? I turn around as he does too. Brantley jumps out of a tree and lands a few feet away, smirking with a bow in his hand too. "You dareth challenge me?" Everyone laughs. "Yeah. You up for the challenge?" He nods. "Ready and willin' bad boy." He turns his ball cap around and turns back to the target. My crazy ass husband and my dumbass brother. I sigh and cross my arms watching them be stupid. I sit down and decide while the boys be dumb I'm gonna suntan. I close my eyes and ten minutes later, I hear a scream. I flip my head around and gasp in horror, seeing an arrow protruding out of Jason's back. "Being drunk..... Makes me.... A bad shot." He chokes out before hitting his knees. I scream and run over. Brantley's on the phone trying to get an ambulance. "Jason, stay with me!" I gasp terrified. He stares at me wide eyed. "Damn hun were you always that dark haired?" I clasp his hand. Then he falls unconscious. I scream in absolute terror.


Brantley's pov

Finally they've got him stabilized. I walk back there and sit beside his bed. "Dude, ya know the moment when ya think you're dyin'.... Your life flashes before your eyes." He mumbles, his eyes still closed. "Yeah." I say worriedly. "It happened to me today. And I saw.... My girl and the kids...... It was the weirdest thing ever." "Are you feelin' okay?" I ask extremely worried. "Just peachy Georgia boy." He rests a hand on his chest where the arrow was. "I can't believe I shot myself with an arrow. Am I fuckin' idiot or what!" He says, finally opening his eyes. "I gotta.... Tell ya somethin' funny." I stand up. "Maybe I should get a doctor." I say. His eyes go wide. "No wait!" He gasps reaching a hand out to me. I'm freaked out right now. He's talking insane. "You know how Miranda didn't come with me the first week of the tour?" I nod. He stares at the ceiling looking shocked. "What about it?" "It's weird. And don't tell anyone I said this.... But.... It physically hurt not having her there with me. It made me nauseous. I can't stand to be apart from her. I never knew that was even possible. I was so glad when she came on tour instead." Wow. "Hey Jason," "Yeah?" He pulls his stare from the ceiling to me. "You're a damn romance novel." He laughs then groans in pain. "Ahh don't make me laugh. It hurts to laugh." "Oops sorry." His doctor walks in. "Yo doc when can I get the hell outta here? I got a show in like two hours!" He says, sitting up. He shakes his head. "You can't perform in that condition you'll end up falling out." His jaw drops. "You gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me. Dude I can still play!" "Jay you should listen to the doctor." I say. "Fuck the doctor, man. I can't disappoint my fans!"

Miranda's pov

Jason stumbles out, leaning on Brantley's shoulder. I'm super worried. "Are you alright?" "Great!" He gasps, smiling. "High pain meds." B says. "I got to get to the show." Is he crazy?! "You can't Jay. You gotta rest." B says. "No way! My fans came out to see the best show of their lives and they're gonna get it!" He won't take no for an answer. We get to the arena and I nervously watch him get ready. "We're doin' my kinda party first right?" He asks. "Jason I don't think you should do this." I say really worried. "I am fine hun. You're just paranoid. I'm gonna walk out on that stage and be perfectly fine then I'll walk off it at the end of the night." He says smiling. I sigh. We go onstage. "Who's ready to blow it up?" He yells to the fans, a hand on his chest which increases my worry. He tells the band to play lights come on. He smiles and grabs my hand. He begins the song walking to the edge of the stage. A little kid looking like three sits on his dad's shoulders. Jason waves to him and the dad lets Jason bring him onstage. "Talkin' bout memories yeah we gonna make 'em." He sings ruffling the kid's hair. "Talkin' bout rules you know we're gonna break 'em!" He walks over taking a drink of his beer and getting something to sign for the kid. "Thanks!" The kid says. "No problemo, kiddo!" He says, putting shades on. "We're gonna go a little old school." He says then looks over at me. "What's wrong?" I mouth. His eyes are wide. A hand flies to his chest, he drops the mic and tries to take a step. "Shoulda listened to the doctor." He gasps. I terrifiedly run to him. "And now get a special treat my brother Brantley Gilbert!" I gasp. My brother's eyes go wide and run up the steps to save the show. I help Jason backstage. "Ugh I hate to disappoint my fans." He says with a sigh. "They understand, Jay." I check his wound and change the bandages. "Damn arrow." He grumbles. I sigh and lay my head on his shoulder.

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