Chapter 18

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Jason's pov

I get out of the hospital and walk inside and the house has never been more empty. I hate being here alone without her. And without Josh. I turn on the kitchen light and the papers I had in my hand fell to the ground in surprise. "Uh..... H-Hey Brantley...... Kolby." I mumble worried. They were both sitting at the table. A ball cap covering B's eyes and he looked furious. His hands clenched tight in front of him. They both stand up. I back up. "Come on guys, if I knew, I was doin' all that, I woulda done something years ago! But I was drunk when it happened and she didn't tell me when I was sober!" "Oh so you're blaming her now?" Kolby gripes. "No! I'm not! I swear!" Crud. This is it. It's been comin' since high school. Getting my ass handed to me by the older brothers. "I swear guys I never meant for her to get hurt! I love her, B you know that!" I can see his face now. "We were given specific orders not to kill you..... But trust me if I had my way-" Kolby starts. "Shut up, Kolby." Brantley interrupts him. He narrows his eyes. "We're not even here to hurt you Jason." My eyes go wide. "You're not?" "No. We're here to help you kick your addiction." To alcohol. Kolby smiles. "By the time I get through with you. You're gonna wish you were dead." He growls.

Miranda's pov

I'm so worried. I wish the boys didn't go over there. I was sitting at mama's house. Man I hope they aren't hurting Jason too bad. I know it was an accident. "I'm gonna go check on them. You got Josh right mama." "Of course honey." She hugs me and I take the four wheeler through the woods since the traffic will get to me as whatever happens is happening! I park and shakily listen for anything. Then I hear Jason scream! I run for the house. It's dark with a projector set up showing pictures of weird deformed people! What the hell?! Jason's tied up in the middle of the room, trying to look away but my idiot brothers are making him look. I flip on the light and they all turn to me surprised. Jason's sweaty and breathing heavily. "Leave him alone!" I gasp. He relaxes in the chair, exhausted. "Hey this is what they did to me at the base when I was addicted to alcohol!" Kolby shouts. I sigh. "Kolby you are used to seeing horrible things don't lie to me!" "I'm not. I just never said it worked." He says then laughs. "Get away from my husband." They back up reluctantly and I walk over. "B-Baby I swear on my soul going to hell if I'm lyin' I never meant to hurt you! You know that. I love you more than anything in this fucking world, I never wanted you to get hurt." He gasps. I nod, trying not to cry as I untie him. He hugs me. "I'm so so sorry." "It's alright Jason. I know it was an accident." I flip off the projector. "Please hun come home.... I can't live without you." He gasps, falling to his knees and grabbing my hands. "I promise I'll never drink again. Not a damned drop!" "Ok, I'll come home." I say, smiling and resting a hand on his head. "The hell you are!" Kolby yells. I give him a stern look. "You guys can't control me! I'm an adult. I hate being away from him too." I yell back. B tells him to stop. "We're just worried about you." "Don't be. I'm fine." The boys leave and the house goes silent for a good ten minutes. I jump in surprise when he speaks up. "I will never let what happened happen again. I have never hated myself more than when I found out I hurt you." He shakily stands up. "I know Jay. It was an accident. I'm not mad anymore." He hugs me. "I love you." I whisper. "I love you too." He shakily says. "W-What did they do to you?" "You saw the pictures." I nod. "That and they finally got their protective big brother lickin' in. I've been dreadin' it since high school." My eyes go wide. "Your eye!" I gasp. His eye is swollen and red. "It's alright hun. I'm okay." I rest my head against his chest, hearing the sound of his heartbeat, fast. "Jason, I never wanna lose you." "Me neither hun you mean more to me than my own life." God I love this man. I shakily look at him. I am shocked to see him crying. I kiss him hard and back him up into the couch. He's surprised I can tell. He stares up at me wide eyed as I sit on his lap. "God, Jason, do me!" I gasp, kissing him again.


He lets a breath out slowly in contentment, relief maybe. Hard to tell. "Babe you don't know how bad I needed that." I lay my head on his chest and fall asleep.

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